Mehmetçik Kut’ül Amare EPISODE 33 Season 01 with Urdu Subtitles

Hello Viewers! This is Episode No 33 of Mehmetçik Kut’ül Amare Season 01 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.This is Episode number 33 Last of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Captions. Stop!Where would you say you are coming from at this hour?Stop!Where would you say you are coming from at this hour?We came from Basra.We came from Basra.Don’t trouble yourslef.We’ve been in that frame of mind for days.Don’t trouble yourslef.We’ve been in that frame of mind for days.On whose request did you come?

This is Episode number 33 Last of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Captions. Stop!Where are you coming from at this hour?Stop!Where are you coming from at this hour?We came from Basra.We came from Basra.Don’t trouble yourslef.We’ve been in that frame of mind for days.Don’t trouble yourslef.We’ve been in that frame of mind for days.On whose request did you come?On whose request did you come?Captain Robert’s.Captain Robert’s.We need to bring fuel out there.What is the enlistment number of the car?Why are you asking?It appears you don’t have the foggiest idea what’s happening. There are severe orders.It appears you don’t realize that our military is battling in $uaybiye.If I can’t get the fuel there on time ……you will confront Skipper Robert then.You escort them then.Look at the enlistment number of their vehicle when they fill the fuel.Alright.Open open!Robert get those gatekeepers out of there fast.Then hang tight for the order from me.Understood.Be ready.

Now.Beautiful.Wait here until the filling is done.This is an Arabic car!We will kill as unobtrusively as we can.We re going in watch the spot here.Don’t even leave one of them alive.Gather up come on.Let’s go.Fire!Attack!Everybody attack!Attack!They deceived us sir.They encompassed us!Ali…Ali was right!Nice!Get prepared for machine fire!Commander Sefik…..I’ve been sitting tight for this second for a long time.He can’t endure anymore.Fire!Send the other soldiers!Send the other soldiers!Hang in there my lions!Hang in there my lions!Don’t let them cross their cutoff points.

 alright. cap’s not serious deal. You truly do deal with this. Did he give you a No, sir. He just requested that we secure furnished men. Twenty. No, thirty. Allow them to be knights… pick the boldest ones and give ihem firearms. Allow a fix to prepare. Indeed, Mr. Neccar. Wear t stress. , Hey at last rejoin with you. At long last. Come in. You requested me, authority. ComejAdam, come. I got some vital data today. We found the concealing spot of Victoria and Cox. This is awesome information, commandant.

Mr. Suleyman Askeri is driving his soldiers to death.They have some familiarity with our plan.Where did you get that?We slipped into the English headquarters.Whatever I saw, all that is left in my memory is all there.This data is a higher priority than whatever else, Sefik.It’s not about me…If you care about the nation, in any event, for a bit,……you’ll give this data to Mr. Suleyman Askeri.Adam.Yes, commander.Inform the gathering right away… leave first.But let them check on the off chance that there are vehicle developments around Amare.Yes, commander.Adam.Say that I’m at the house, okay?Understood, Commander.I have eaten like this since quite a while ago.Enjoy your meal.You’re eating as though it’s your keep going dinner, Niyazi.From now on, we’ll be in hell.Where were we before?If you consider it, we were in paradise, Saeed.Don’t do this, commander.If we fizzle, a ton of spirits will consume, lion.I know this very well.Your arms are tied.You feel helpless.

You’re unarmed and you’re holding up like this.The just thing I wish for is to kick the bucket before see the animal whom I believed was human……to become lower than an animal.We’ve seen a ton of those things, Commander.In Tripoli.- YesWe’ve seen a ton of those heretics.They did a ton of things to us.We’ve seen such a lot of torment on this land, commander.They know very well what will occur assuming anybody attempts to resist them.The greater part of the clans joined the English in light of this.They don’t completely accept that our story.The foe’s hand seems, by all accounts, to be bright white from a distance.But it’s every one of the a trick.Once they come to our property, the region transforms into a battlefield.The Islamic domain to them resembles a graveyard. It is a field of preparing for these creatures.Never mind everything except everything not present in their country, they found it in ours.Mehmet.Go ahead, Commander.What’s off-base, my lion?


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