This is Episode No 178(14) of Kurulus Osman with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5. GoncaGoncaGonca HatuiiI his doesn’t look well BalaWhat’s the matter I lgenQ I saw Gonca walking to the cage tent with rage I called after her but she didn’t een look W haP-I hope she doesn’t do anything crazy -May Allah help usDon’t do am thing crazy Gonca Let’s go Mv great Utahl’m unir poor scrxant lla/al 1 know I’m a bit tactless And I gossip a littleBut I commit no other sins can neer kill someoneI didn’t een attempt to harm that black widow Begum But they slander that 1 killed a baby h AllahSaxe me from this dark slander Saxe me and I will nexer gossip again.
Please spare 1115 life for mv husband and son If I dieBax han will marry another woman after me I will die twice then’Picase sae me from this nn llalV Please sae me nx5 Allah Open the doorGonca llatun but-I said openGet out^*í>JtlSS^^ou killed mv bainkillerI didn’tYou’re a killerin not It s a slander-I suear I didn’t do anything Gonca llatun >ou didn’t9 ïoii didn’PIlie poison nas found in jour room What about what wu told Begum HatunQ HaQ ^ou u ill speak Ha/al^ou will tell me how you killed my baby sh ear on mj son-Shut up’^ou killed im bain-I’m going to kill von-I bear witness that there is no god but llah -Gonca-MotherStop girl-Mother leave me-Gonca stopLet me punish her myself o, girl ^on can’tPlease let me motherI et me avenge my baby Please mother Ao. Gonca ^ou can’tI know you’re suffering But we hae to wait for the trial Osman Bex will make the decision eave her Goneh wasn’t me.
Gonca Hatun it wasn’t me It Hasn’t me. Bala Hatun Please saxe me inv Mlah Osman Bev is coming*Osman Bev is coming*Welcome mv BevIf you want to support people who make a great effort please watch from k^lfamihTA com *AVCTpote swesî ^i%% “Kovulmuç seytanin çerrinden Allah’a sigmmm.Kovulmuç çeytaniRahmAn ve riNtn el’m adiylaahmân ve rahim oían Allah’in adiyla Peygamberini hidayetle ve onu bütün diniere üstün kilmak ¡Qin hak dinle gönderen O’dur. §ahit olarak Allah yetcr Peygamberini hidayetle ve onu bütiin diniere üstün kilmak icin hak dinle gönderen O’dur. Sahit olarak Allah ycter.Mu awmed, Afoah in Resùlüdür Onunla beraber olanlar, inkárcilara ka/$) çetin. b rbirlcrinc karst da mcrhamctl idirlcr.Muhammed Allah in Resuiudur Onunla beraber olanlar hikarcilara karçi çetm birbirlcrinc karçi da mcrhamethdirlcr Onlarin, rukú ve secde hàlinde. Allah tan lutuf ve ho^nutluk istediklenni gorursun.Onlarin sccde escri olan alamctleri yùzlerindcdir. ¡§tc bu, onlarin Teyrat ta ve incilde aniatilan durumlandir:
Onlar d sen olan alametlen yüzlc indcdir l§t b n r n Tevrat’ta ve incil de anlatilan durumlaridir On i iliz n ç Hk ii$. onu kuvvctlcndirmiç, kalinla$mi§ ov i uzc inc ciikiln 5 ziraatçilarin ho$una giden bir ckin gibidirler Allah, kendilcri scbcbiyle tnkä^ctlari ófkelcJndirmck için onlari boyle saglam ^edirençli kilar.Allai; V ndijb i ^p^cbiyje jnkárcijan ófkclcndirmek için onlari boylc Raglán? ve dirençli kilar.11^ , YClerirjde manedip salih amel içlcycnlcrc bir bagiçlama vc buyuk b mukâfat vaad etmiçtir içlcnnd n imán edi s ic i^lcy ni rc r bagiçlama vc buyuk bir Allah, Içlerindcn imán cdip salih ame içleyenlàrc bir ba^tçlama ve buyük bir mükâfatyaad etmi§tirAllah, içlerinden imán edip sahh amcl içlcyenlcrc bir bagiçlama ve búyük bir mukâfat vaad etmiçtir Azim oían Allah nc guzel dogru soylcdi Orhan-
BismillahirRahnianlRahliii BisiiiillahirRahmaiiiRahim M<\ Allah bless you Osman Bev BismillahirRahiiianiRahim Mlahumme sail! ala sew Idina Muhammedin e ala all Muhammed Xllaiiumme salü ala sey Idina Muhammedin ve ala all Muhammed Mlahumme salll ala sewidina Muhammedin c ala all Muhammed Mlahumme salli ala sew Idina Muhammedin e ala all Muhammed 5h BevsM SistersMv brothersHe sene onlj llah and we breathe to spread His name and His religion On this path, we let go of oursehes get rid of our nafs and stand as a barrier against all forms of evil with our blood and our lives.
Thanks (o llah He accepted our motes I ‘4MC JInd in this cause He blessed us with the honor of finding and obtaining the sacred relics of the Islamic world Thanks to Allah I hanks to llah I hanks to llahI hanks to m AllahI hanks to llahI sucar that uc will aluavs fight against those uho set their eves on our sacred relics nd as long as llaline will always be victorious Long Ike Osman Bev* Long live Osman Bev’ Thank von (hank you\ hereare the sacred relicskaresl Bei^Don’t worry V izler Hadhrat I keep mv promisesSoon the relics will be in your hands k BeiOsman Bev’s messenger wants to see ou I e( him inseems Osman Bevlias learned that m men have taken the sacred relics We thoughtOsman Bex xxould come and thank us hut he sent one of his men l/ler Hacihratcame here totell you the good neyys on behalf of mv Osman Bev U 1th the help of our Almighty llah our Prophet’s (PBl II] holy relicswas taken back safely b my Osman Bey yylth llahs permission karesl BeiWhat are you s^lng9Osman Bev lias the holv relies Is thaï (rueQ r/R>*<‘ “If you please Osman Bey would like to host you in our tribe He will personally deliver the relics to vou lzler Hadhrat I hanks to llah!Mv llaliMv llahI hanks to T hanks to Him.
Hou dare Osman do such things nithout considering his oun limitsQ What are %ou still siting karesl BeiQ Hie apple of Muslims’ ee was saxed from the hands of the infidels What are you tn lug to doQ We must set out immediately’Max you go safely l/ier lladhrat -Xo*>oii will come with meYou uill accompany me as I take hoh relics Today is our bairam’s von wish lzicr lladlirat Wv M’^J f^mM^: 4I salute I ucas the precious commander of the Hole 1 and It’s been a long time since I saw ton invincible rkadlos Welcome’ ‘s ^ *— !I came to you with a small gift Magnus’ soldiers who let them stole the holj relics But they cannot please us when they are breathing the can onh do so Hhcn (he dle Wi have proven vour lovaltv to me once again Arkadius . You can’t natch something like this again Don’t miss oxen a single moment oi it Such a strong warrior right9 lake a good look rkadhis was once a slae gladiator neer seen before on earth o one he encountered sun heel \e haven’t seen (he best part vet fi W ^ ^ •(What do ion think happened neP He became a commander respected tn everyone In the endGod decided to reward him lie Hill marry him to a girl who with her tiny mind and weak body is trying to do things beyond her capacity lloloHraWith youMl sonMy daughter.
Don’t wormThose uho dkl this to m> grandson I hose u ho made us go through this pain will be punished for sure Orhanfell me1 he issue is quite complicated father Begum liatun was the first to hlame Ila/al Hatuii On top or (hatthe poison lias found in hcr tent nd from under her pillow Do you think someone else did itQ Someone hho wants to break the peace9 thus I think ue need to wait some more time for the trial mv Be Motherlatma also heard them mother Ila/al llatun threatened Begum Hatun uhh her life nd when she was about to poison her she killed ni babyI ai lierHa/al Hahin must pay for this yyith
her life Before the trial is held our pain will not go a\a father court will be convened immediately We willimesilgate this thoroughly Don’t uorrDon’t worn 1115 daughter My Bey can I come In9Come in KoranCome in BoranM bey Izier Omer has arrhed Bat karesi Bei is with him mi Bei If you want to support people who make a great effort please watch from kailamlhT com QOI ire of hell will he in karadin oentiling is readvWhen these barrels burn this castle will be destroyed Come on hurry SisterI won’t be able to keep it inside anymore Ila/al llatun is Innocent Uha( are ton saving.
HisuP The poison was found in Ha/aTs tent I saw the Hatun called Cecilia the girl who was with Holoflra entering llazal llatun’s tent I his is the truthShould I go and sax (his9 OrOsmanOsmanI hose next to you will burn in this fire and disappear SlsterWe could not protect the trust We could not protect Karadin 1 hey haye infiltrated us re you alrightQ Hou could this happen sister9 Who would do (his9He will find it outIf m name is Begum Halim I won’t die until I find who did tills -Alps’Hold the c asíle gates()b()d will go outo one híII come in Come on’Sister, h hat will we sax to Osman Bey.
What will we sa^Once Osman Bev hears (his he Hill he hiriousDastards’Selaniun alevkumc alevkum selam izier lladhratSelamun alevkum-lckum sclam\ hat happened karesl Bev What is the reason of tour unlinked lsiP Do wit want to hear what we will talk about jou9 1 brought karesi BevWhat do i on hae to sa about him Osman BeV?^¿cc^_ toi -^I irst oí all come and sit I hen uell talk about the unpleasant matters 4M«-Here Izier Hadhrat Here Herekaresi Bev-OH»»In]o vour mealThank 3011Wi bothered ourself -I njov IM’«A*«*But for usthere Is nothing more important than holy relics am listening to m>ucameI said ”1 et’s look for the hoh relics together” Butkaresi Bej did not want to join us I said E AllahAllah I henAmt*I said ”1 would search for the relics alone.