EPISODE 30 Kurulus Osman

This is Episode 03 of Season 2 Kurulus Osman and EPISODE 30 of Kurulus Osman.

On the off chance that you review last week, Osman had followed Kuzgun to a mongol camp. Kuzgun is killed by Taylak Aslan for his fruitless mission in killing Osman. Taylak additionally kills the head of the Mongols who is “Monke”.

At the point when Osman shows up on the scene he tracks down just assemblages of dead Mongols. Osman and his Alps likewise find Kuzgun swinging from a tree with a note tucked inside his jacket. One of the mongols is alive and continues to rehash the name “Monke”. At the time Osman has no clue about who “Monke” is nevertheless later figures out that he is Geyhatu’s child. The chopping down of Kuzgun enacts a snare and Osman gets a bolt shaft in his leg.

The injury to Osman’s leg gains his headway in voyaging home a sluggish one. He imparts to Gunduz that the endeavor on his life was made by someone with inside information. Someone who realize that Ertugrul was getting back home. Just someone who knew the amount he cherished his dad would realize that he would venture out anyplace to be near him.

In the mean time, Taylak has made his getaway from the mongol camp and gets together with Cerkutay. (Cerkutay was believed to be killed by Goktug’s sword in Series 1, however as we can see he lives to battle one more day.) Cerkutay and Taylak have united. Taylak sends Cerkutay determined to tell Geyhatu that Osman has taken his child trusting that Geyhatu consequently come to Sogut looking for him and will kill Osman for him.

Back at Inegol Castle, Flatius finds his shipment of explosive has been taken. All signs lead to the Turks. Aya Nickola is disturbed about this. Savci places the security of the taken black powder in the possession of his Uncle Dundar at Kulchaisar Castle. Dundar is told to watch it well. The plague which was presented by Aya Nickola has advanced and many are biting the dust. Aya Nickola’s arrangement is by all accounts functioning admirably. His weapon against the Turks will be time.

At the Kayi migrant, Taylak Aslan visits Ertugrul. He has told his sister, that his arrangement to over toss Ertugrul has started. Ertugrul anyway is brilliant and right now thinks Taylak and his sister. Ertugrul sends Hazal Hatun out of the migrant to assume up her position alongside her better half Dundar Bey at Kulchaisar Castle .

That night at Kulchaisar Castle, Flatius finds the explosive store and lights it. A tremendous blast tears as the night progressed. In the mean time, the drums of the Kayi Village at long last messenger the appearance of Osman at the migrant. Ertugrul hears the drums and his face illuminates when he hears the clan speak more loudly in recognition and reverence for their dearest Osman. Osman , albeit in torment has held up quite a while to see his dad. He limps in to the family tent.

Their most memorable sight of one another is one of stunningness, not accepting that at last they are together. They absorb their most memorable sight of one another gradually and afterward embrace. Osman kisses his hand in profound regard and love.

Taylak additionally has shown up at the Kayi migrant. He is gotten in Ertugrul’s tent. There is a stressed air between Osman, Gunduz and Taylak. There is a doubt that he was the one liable for attempting to kill Osman. This doesn’t be ignored by Ertugrul. Taylak denies having any information on Kuzgun’s exercises. His conciliatory sentiment is acknowledged by Ertugrul however Osman and Gunduz unquestionably don’t trust him.

Osman is worn out after his excruciating excursion and resigns to his tent. He is invited by his Bala. She can see that Osman needs her consideration and starts tending his injuries. Boran Alp is keen on Gonca and he makes a play for her. She acknowledges his considerations.

Osman currently prepares to invite his sibling Savci. He has not seen Savci for a long time. He has been battling in the Crimea. Osman realizes that Savci will go after Inegol Castle for exploding the black powder and requests to go with him. His solicitation is denied. This is whenever that Savci first shows his sibling his disposition of predominance towards him. Osman feels a feeling of terrorizing.

Savci retaliates for the assault on the palace by entering Inegol Castle through the underground and killing their gatekeepers. The following morning seeing his killed watches incenses Flatius and Aya Nickola. They need retribution and they need it soon.

That night Osman and Ertugrul eat together. Ertugrul inquires as to whether he finds the wanderer arranged for a foe assault. Osman accepts they are good to go yet he might want to have explosive to add to their ammo. A gathering of the Kayi Council is called. It is whenever that Ertugrul first has gotten all his Bey’s for quite a while. They have many issues to overcome.

Conversation falls on the plague, Gunduz Bey is selected to investigate the killing of the rodents and the sickness.

Kulchaiser Castle is put in the possession of Gunduz and Dundar Bey is doled out to Sogut. Osman anticipates for his dad’s choice for himself trusting it is the initiative of the troopers. His dad tends to him and gives him acclaim for his boldness yet nothing else.

Ertugrul hands the initiative of the Alps to Savci his oldest child. This choice damages Osman. He feels desire yet acknowledges his dads administering. Osman is accustomed to providing the orders himself. He currently needs to acknowledge taking requests from his sibling. The Council meeting shut in petitioning God yet Ertugrul’s choice balances weighty over a portion of its individuals.

In the mean time, it has been a long excursion for Cerkutay. He has shown up in Konya and is gotten by Geyhatu the Mongol. Cerkutay is loaded with dread when he faces Geyhatu. He lies and lets him know that Osman has caught his child and killed all his mongol Nokers. Geyhatu takes the news like an insult. Similarly as Taylak Aslan and Cerkutay trusted, Geyhatu swears that he will track down Osman and kill him and his loved ones. Little does Geyhatu has at least some idea that his child is now dead.

At Inegol Castle, Aya Nickola and Flatius accept that a Turkish covert operative has been set inside the palace however they don’t have the foggiest idea what its identity is.

In the interim, back at the Kayi migrant, Osman is loaded up with outrage and hurt after his dad’s choice to make Savci head of his Alps. He braves of the Village disappointed with his pride hurt. He rides far into the slopes where he can quiet his consuming soul.

Thereafter he shows up back feeling more quiet and strolls into his dad’s tent just to find Savci is perched on his dads fur. Osman approaches his sibling and lets him know that he disagrees with him in regards to Aya Nickola . He lets him know that he isn’t answerable for the snare which was set for him. He accepts that Kuzgun was provided the request by Taylak Arslan. Savci doesn’t view Osman’s idea in a serious way. He lets Osman know that he is fretful, daring and youthful and not all that enters his thoughts is correct. He lets him know that In future he will know his put in and take his requests from Ertugrul or himself.

Savci puts a hand on his siblings shoulder however Osman brushes him away. Osman lets him know that he has seen many come to the traveler with incredible desire to lead the Kais.

Savci resents this and strikes Osman across the face. Consequently Osman strikes his sibling back. At one time Osman would never think about something like this however presently he isn’t a kid to be taken care of. A savage battle emits between the kin, they give blow for blow. The force of the battle takes them beyond the tent and into the full perspective on the clan. Understanding that they are presently being watched by the clan and their battle will lead them to accepting that there is division in administration, they need to downplay their battle before the clan. They cause the battle to seem like kin competition however where it counts the siblings realize the battle is intense.

That night Ertugrul eats with his loved ones. As they lounge around the table he lets them know that Geyhatu has left Konya and is en route to Sogut carrying with him a multitude of mongol Nokers. Ertugrul accepts that a representative from the Kais ought to be shipped off Geyhatu giving him their all the best and to figure out his intension.

Yet again osman requests that his dad send him however Ertugrul sidesteps his child and chooses Savci to go all things considered.

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