EPISODE 37 Kurulus Osman

This is Episode 10 (37) of Season 2 Kurulus Osman and EPISODE 37 of Kurulus Osman. Kuluchaisar Castle is again the property of the Kais. The ancestral banner is flown from the defenses among cheers from the Turks. The outcome of the assault was for the most part because of Boran and Goktug who paved the way for Osman and his Alps to enter. Tragically Goktug got many injuries as bolts poured downward on him.

Geyhatu had requested Osman to go to the gathering and he will be furious when he hears that he didn’t turn up however at that point again Geyhatu realizes that no one instructs Osman. Turgun Hatun, Bala and Aygul battle close by Osman. Turgun desires to find her dad who has been kept in the prisons of the Castle, Her expectations are crushed when she finds her dad has been moved.

Savci, Dundar Bey and Gunduz are at the purported harmony meeting with Taylak Arsland and Aya Nickola. They have no clue about that Osman is going after Kuluchaisar Castle. They are irate that Osman has not turned up for the gathering as mentioned by Geyhatu. Aya Nickola tells Taylak Arsland that Cerkutay is presently Osman’s detainee. This makes Taylak apprehensive as he realizes that Cerkutay will tell them of his treachery.

Flatius has been put secluded from everything on the fundamental street to the Kai migrant and his central goal is to kill anyone who comes his direction nst particularly Osman. Not knowing about the risk Osman sends Ayaz Alp with a directive for Savci. The message tells Sabci that Cerkutay has named Taylak Arsland as the deceiver. The message won’t ever be conveyed by Ayaz as he rides into a snare and Flatius kills him.

The taking of the Castle is a pleased second for Osman and he gets savor the experience of tearing down the christian standards dangling from the Castle dividers. Osman tells his Alps and siblings that his dad battled for independence from subjugation for his youngsters and that is how they will respond. They will proceed to battle and they won’t return to subjection for anybody. He draws his sword and lets them know that the time has come to get ride of the chains around their lower legs and battle. Their best course of action will be taking on Inegol Castle and disposing of Aya Nickola. Osman gets some margin to surrender his triumph to the magnificence of God.

The supposed harmony meeting reaches a sudden conclusion when news is brought that Osman has caught Kuluchaisar Castle. Aya Nickola’s pride is harmed. He swears that Osman’s activities will carry demise to all Kais and the land will be overwhelmed with their blood and Mongols. Aya Nickola rides away having needed to withdraw to Inegol Castle. Osman plans to leave Kuluchaisar Castle. He takes with him a hard battling Alp called Genco Bey who comes from Karadag. Osman leaves the Castle in the possession of Bamsi Bey before he saddles up and rides for home.

Savci and Dundar Bey additionally have their pride wounded by Osman. They have been attempting to consent to a ceasefire with Aya Nickola. Osman’s catch of Kuluchaisar Castle has put the Kais in a perilous position. They accept that Geyhatu will assault. Savci and Dundar Bey even consider turning over Osman over to Geyhatu to stay away from a conflict.

Taylak doesn’t realize that Cerkutay has previously admitted to Bamsi Bey that he is the deceiver. Bamsi Bey has told Osman. To give and have himself a difficult situation Taylak orders Cerkutay’s demise.
In the event that Cerkutay is killed, Osman will have no confirmation to persuade his siblings of his unfairness. Taylak has had a go at all that to attempt to kill Osman. He has utilized Aya Nickola and Geyhatu to take care of business yet Osman escapes him.

Osman shows up back at the Kai town. He and his men honor their clan by putting their right hand over their souls. The clan thusly honor Osman for reclaiming Kuluchaisar Castle however when Savci returns they expect there will be inconvenience as he didn’t maintain that Osman should accept the Castle and accepts he has begun a conflict. Abdurrahman Gazi lets Ertugrul know that his child has returned successful reclaiming Kuluchaisar Castle. Ertugrul lets his child know that he has had dreams and has seen him vanquishing different grounds. Osman ensures his dad realizes that he won’t quit battling for a State for the Turks and land for their kids from now on.

Aya Nickola has withdrawn to Inegol Castle. His loss because of Osman causes him to feel unreliable. He currently just has Inegol Castle left and Osman has taken steps to take that off him moreover. He doesn’t remember Flatius yet at the same time passes on him out and about prepared to kill. Osman suspects that Taylak will come after Cerkutay and attempt to kill him. He lets his Alps know that they will be hanging tight for him when he does.

Bala and Turgun are two ladies that adoration Osman. Despite the fact that Osman has requested that Aygul and Bala keep their eyes on Turgun as he has little to no faith in her. He has prompted his family that he will accept Turgun as his subsequent spouse.

Bala’s giving up of one’s own priorities takes it cost for her. She has given Targun her approval to wed Osman and tells her that he is an unassuming man and his kin seek him for trust. Osman tells Bala some other time when they are distant from everyone else together to be solid and don’t allow the tattle to hurt her. He reminds her to safeguard herself and Targun.

Osman imparts to Bala that he and Targun are cooperating against Aya Nickola and that her dad is kept a detainee by him. This was one reason why he consented to wed her. In the wake of hearing everything her significant other has said to her Bala isn’t certain about whether she needs Targun is the perfect individual to wed Osman as she entered the Kais migrant in any case as a deceiver.

Ayaz Alp has been tracked down dead out and about. The last time Osman saw Ayaz was the point at which he sent him to tell Savci that Taylak Arsland was a deceiver. Ayaz had a note stuck to his body and endorsed by his killer, Flatius. Osman swears retribution for Ayaz’s passing.

Osman tells his sibling and uncle not to be stressed over being gone after by Geyhatu. Osman is determined that he would be able and will manage him. Savci tells Dundar Bey that Osman said he would take Kuluchaiser Castle and he did. He currently discusses accepting Inegol Castle too. Savci feels it is futile providing requests to Osman as he is doing everything all alone and he is absolutely not going to do what they need.

Dundar Bey accepts they could hold a Toy Council meeting and have a Bey of all Bey’s picked around then. They are certain Osman wouldn’t care for that. Dundar Bay lets Savci know that they would need to bend over backward to get Osman far from the gathering, even exile him. Dundar Bey completes his discussion letting him know that they might have to shed Osman’s blood if important to have an effective decision in favor of the Bey.

It appears to be the Kai administration has been divided into equal parts. Savci Bey is given the occupation of attempting to persuade Bamsi Bey that their thought is the best one. Starting tomorrow they will start conversing with the Beys about the Council. Dundar Bey imagines himself as the Bey of the Kais.

Savci can see that Osman has saved his life two times. He has caught Kuluchaisar palace again. He has saved Sogut from being obliterated by the dark fire and his deeds have not been valued, all things being equal Savci accepts Osman should be paused and very much like Dundar Bey he considers himself to be the following Bey of the Kais.

In the interim at the Inegol Castle, Aya Nickola advises Helen that while Targun attempts to kill Osman, Helen’s central goal is to get into Kuluchaisar Castle and kill Bamsi Bey. Aya Nickola goes to Geyhatu’s camp. Geyhatu realizes that Osman has taken Kuluchaiser Castle. Aya Nickola attempts to control Geyhatu against Osman by letting him know that Osman resisted him and didn’t turn up at the harmony meeting as he was requested but instead caught Kuluchaiser Castle.

Geyhatu is very satisfied to make Osman the Bey of all Beys. Aya Nickola believes that Geyhatu should get together with him in announcing battle on the Turks. Geyhatu can see that Aya Nickola is frightened of how Osman could treat him. Aygul, Bala Gonca actually watch Targun to check whether she does anything strange. They realize that Osman let them know that she might sell out them. Gonca presents to Bala the news that Targun is planning to leave the migrant. The young ladies pursue her.

Back at the Kai traveler there is a gathering of the Bey’s. The Beys are prompted by Savci and Dundar Bey that they need to hold a Toy Council meeting to choose a Bey of all Beys for the Kais. Obviously this customarily isn’t finished while the current Bey of all Beys is as yet alive. Gunduz Bey disagrees in having a Toy Council nor does he feel that Osman would be in understanding.

Gunduz is told to pick sides . Gundiz decides to be on Ertugrul Ghazi’s side and won’t break with custom. He tells Savci and Dundar Bey that Ertugrul will pick the following Bey of all Beys and Gunduz will uphold him until his final gasp. Savci and Dundar Bey can see that they will have solid resistance assuming they conflict with custom.

In the mean time Osman is moving Cerkutay and carrying him to the wanderer. He is attached with rope and he is being pulled along behind his pony.

Taylak Arsland holds up in trap to kill Cerkutay and Osman. Osman is sitting tight for himself and catches Taylak all things considered. Presently he has both Cerkutay and Taylak Arsland as his detainees yet what Osman doesn’t know is that Flatius isn’t excessively far away and is watching them from a good ways. He positions his men prepared for assault and gives fly his bolts access to the clueless Alps.

Flatius bolts hits his objective right away. Osman takes a bolt straight through his hand. Another bolt is put profound into Cerkutay’s chest and a large number of Osman’s Alps are injured. Flatius discharges Taylak Arsland. We should hold on until our next episode to see what occurs straightaway.

In the interim, Bala and Aygul follow Turgun out of the traveler. They watch as she meets with an obscure man in the forest. The courier gives her a note which she rapidly swallows realizing that the mystery may be unveiled. She then, at that point, encounters Aygul and Bala as she attempts to make her break.

It requires no investment by any stretch of the imagination for Bala to have a blade at Turgun’s throat. Bala is informed that Turgun was noticed being given a note yet no note is found. No one saw turgun eat the note.

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