EPISODE 39 Kurulus Osman

This is Episode 12 (39) of Season 2 Kurulus Osman and EPISODE 38 of Kurulus Osman. Aya Nickola is irate. He has simply discovered that Osman and Taylak Arsland had gotten away from the snare that Geyhatu had left for them. He felt sure that Osman would be dead. Aya Nickola has sent poison through Targun to kill all the Beys at the Toy Council meeting.

The new head of the Kais is typically reported by Ertugrul before he passes on at aToy Council meeting. Ertugrul has recuperated adequately from an assault of his hopeless illness. He is presently back on his lofty position as the best Bey of all Bey’s. He tends to the Toy Council and his children and is supposed to announce who his replacement will be.

Abdurrahman Gazi has stayed up with the latest regarding what has been going on since his sickness. He doesn’t permit Savci to kiss his hand which is an indication that he isn’t satisfied about him attempting to surpass the initiative. Ertugrul lets his family know that the practices can’t be overlooked. He additionally lets them know that the following Bey of the Kais must be blessed by God and God picks who this will be.

In the mean time, Osman meets with Targun and she shows him the toxin that Aya Nickola has given her to use on the Beys. She lets him know that Aya Nickola needs to see all the Beys dead. Osman gives her directions of everything he believes her should do and say to Aya Nickola. Targun passes on the traveler to go to meet with Aya Nickola.

Ertugrul talks about Geyhatu with Osman. He asks him how might he realize that he can now trust Taylak Arsland. Osman tells his dad of his fantasy and how he pursues making that little glimpse of heaven. Ertugrul requests that his children join together and not be isolated and to follow the sets of the new Bey that he will choose.

They next examine Aya Nickola and what the Kais will do about him. Every one of his children need to lay attack to Inegol Castle yet Osman accepts that an excessive number of Turkish lives will be lost assuming they assault the palace. He lets his dad know that they ought to bring down Aya Nickola’s troopers first as he has a large number. Osman makes sense of that his arrangements are now under way and Targun has been shipped off meet with Aya Nickola to convince him to get her dad to an area the timberland where Osman will be sitting tight for him. Ertugrul concurs that Osman’s arrangement is a decent one and far superior to going after the palace and losing lives.

Savci tells his better half Lena that her child Beyhoca will show up soon. Prior in the seres Flatius and Lena made reference to a child. Flatius at one at once. Targun announces to herself that she has lost her heart to Osman.

Osman then again adores his dearest Bala. This evening he embraces her and strokes her as he brushes her long gorgeous hair. Bala’s most prominent expectation is to give Osman a youngster she actually hangs tight for this gift.

Ertugrul goes through a night in petition for his migrant and his children. He implores that he settles on the ideal choice for the following Bey. He favors Bamsi Bey and Abdurrahman Gazi. He has arranged his spirit to meet with God. He anticipates being with his adored Halime indeed.

In the first part of the day the waring clan plans to leave the traveler. Osman is brought word that Ertugrul doesn’t believe he should go with the conflict party to go after Aya Nickola. Osman finds this solicitation bizarre as this is his arrangement. There is no contending with a request given by Ertugrul Gazi. Ertugrul has mentioned that his child go along with him at the grave of his mom Halime.

Osman later finds his dad sitting next to the grave of Halime. Once more ertugrul fantasies about strolling in the nurseries of paradise with her. He realizes that his experience on this planet is almost finished and it won’t be well before he joins her. He sees his gallant child riding towards him. He lets Halime know that he realizes that their most youthful child is irate with him for halting him doing battle with Aya Nickola however he maintained that this time should be an exceptional time and he has something that he needs to tell him.

As they sit close to Halime’s grave, Ertugrul lets his child know that war won’t ever stop. Regardless of whether Aya Nickola is crushed another person will come and have his spot. He tells him that he cherishes each of the three of his children yet he accepts that Osman will be an incredible fighter, significantly more prominent than his dad.

Ertugrul lets his child know that the fire of a heavenly conflict can’t at any point be put out. He requests that Osman guarantee him he will keep the fire consuming. Osman guarantees his dad that the Turkish customs won’t ever kick the bucket and another State will develop from it. Ertugrul asks that God favors him and the name of Osman to be spread everywhere.

Soon thereafter Ertugrul meets with his companion and extraordinary head of the relative multitude of Turks. He lets the pioneer know that he has picked Osman as his replacement as he probably is aware he will convey his blade and banner and will govern the Kais with equity. He makes sense of that Osman fantasizes making a State for every one of the Turkish public and he has given him his approval as he probably is aware his demise is inevitable.

In the mean time Aya Nickola has Targun’s dad attached to a tree at the area given to him by Targun. He anticipates that the Turks should be coming soon and he is prepared for them.

A huge gathering of Turks drove by Savci and Gunduz show up at the area. Bamsi Bey drives Osman’s Alps for the afternoon. The fight starts and the two sides go for the kill without hesitation. Bamsi Bey takes on Aya Nickola and wounds him however can’t catch him. He get away. Targun figures out how to safeguard her dad and recoveries his life and Savci takes on Flatius. He wounds him yet doesn’t kill him.

Aya Nickola breaks to a cavern and has his injuries tended by Helen. He realizes he ought to be at the Castle however he is too powerless to even think about getting moving. Osman then again is overflowing proudly after his dad lets him know that he has picked him to be the following Bey of the Kais. He is loaded up with energy of having the option to set in motion his fantasies of a Turkish State. He rides into the slopes on his pony feeling energetic on his way.

In the mean time Flatius anticipates discipline and is being held in a jail tent in the wanderer. He tells Savci that Ertugrul killed his dad and he needs retribution for his demise. He additionally lets him know that Lena is his better half and he will remove her from him. Savci concludes that Flatius will be hung.

Ertugrul realizes that his time is drawing nearer for him to make a trip to heaven. He calls for one of the greatest Toy Council gatherings at any point held in the traveler. Ertugrul has his spot as top of the Toy Council meeting. He favors each one there. He reviews their triumphs throughout the long term. He lets them know he is pleased with them.

Ertugrul stops with an episode of sluggishness. As you watch him conversing with the Beys you can see that he is becoming more fragile. He gives them his final words. He consents to a praiseworthy state and pride. A State for all Turks who will be secured. This implies keeping customs alive. He believes them should break the chains of imprisonment.

Ertugrul starts to report his replacement. He turns out to be out of nowhere fragile and can’t stay standing. He lets them know he has picked the following Bey and he is the one that has conveyed them starting with one triumph then onto the next. He can’t triumph ultimately his final words out to let them know that his decision is Osman. He gazes straight toward Osman yet implodes before he can complete his sentence. Ertugrul Gazi bites the dust on the spot.

Lamenting for Ertugrul starts right away. It is difficult for Ertugrul’s children to accept that their extraordinary waring father has kicked the bucket. His passing is imparted to the remainder of the clan by supplication . The clan accumulate before his tent as the word ventures quick all through the traveler.

Flatius in his jail tent hears the declaration and the whaling of misery in the traveler. Flatius was the person who needed to kill Ertugrul for vengeance for his dad however since has been detracted from him. He swears that he will get his payback out on his bloodline.

Ertugrul’s body lies in state while his children and companions accumulate around him. They discuss his triumphs and his liberal nature and his awful attitude. They ask during that time over his body. In the first part of the day the children all say their goodbye to their dad.

A sluggish and deferential drum beat is heard all through the traveler as the collection of Ertugrul Gazi is driven out of his tent by his children and Bamsi Bey. The best Bey of everything time is marched through the traveler while heading to his resting place adjacent to Halime.

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