EPISODE 43 Kurulus Osman

This is Episode 16 (43) of Season 2 Kurulus Osman and EPISODE 43 of Kurulus Osman. Bayhoca is the child of Savci and Lena. He needs so gravely to be treated as one of Osman’s confided in Alps. He follows the Alps all over the place and lets them know that he never believes them should head off to war without him.

Osman and Bala have come to a comprehension that Osman will search for another spouse. It is custom that the spouse of the decision Kais should have the option to have youngsters and this is the sort of thing Bala has not had the option to do. Having another spouse isn’t something Osman truly believes that should do yet he should submit to his dad’s directions given to him in his Will. This choice makes’ Bala extremely upset as well as. Another bitterness has crawled into their lives interestingly since they were hitched.

At supper that night Bala demands that Osman permit her to track down another spouse for him. Bala prompts Osman that she is opening a market slow down in Sogut for poor people. In the mean time at Inegol Castle the decision Tekfur’s in the land show up for a gathering with Aya Nickola who has been delegated Tekfur of all Tekfur’s. Aya Nickola will be responsible for another campaign and he has announced battle on the Turks.

Osman and Taylak Arsland choose to assemble a striking gathering of Islam champions that will be explicitly decided to just battle the assaulting gatherings of Mongols sent by Geyhatu.

Osman’s new banner for his Islamic State is made and introduced to Osman. Osman is satisfied with it. Aygul is put accountable for making the new banners. Osman sends his most believed Alps drove by Boran set for Inegol Castle. This is their most memorable mission without Osman. They are approached to get access to Inegol Castle and kill the Tekfurs. Osman tells them not to frustrate him and they should assume complete ownership and not get found out.

Bayhoca sees Osman’s Alps outfitting up their ponies in preparation for mission. He so sincerely needs to go with them and passes on the wanderer to follow them. He doesn’t have a clue about the degree of the risk he will place himself and the Alps in.

In the mean time Bala has started her foundation slow down in Sogut. She has gifts from different women. One of these liberal women brings numerous things for poor people and demands to be permitted to serve the poor too. She is Aksu. This unselfish nature of Aksu warms Bala to her. Might she at some point be a potential contender for Osman’s subsequent spouse?

At Inegol Castle the Tekfurs have their most memorable gathering with Aya Nickola. They examine a game plan to overcome Osman. Aya Nickola lets them know that he will store up an incredible armed force comprised of christians, mongols and kuman turks and they will kill Osman.

Bala figures out that the young lady with the good nature lives in Sogut. She is informed that her dad is dead and she lives with her mom. Aksu lets Bala know that she has had numerous admirers yet she felt that destiny has another person as a primary concern for her. Bala tells her that destiny may be driving her to an admirer surprisingly sooner! It seems like Bala accepts that Aksu is a decent possibility for Osman’s subsequent spouse, despite the fact that Bala will have many tests for her to embrace.

Sometime thereafter, Hazal Hatun meets with Aksu. It appears to be that Hazal Hatun is out in front of Bala. She is the person who has paid Aksu to go about as a blameless young lady while from the start she is being paid to finish a work. Hazal Hatun guarantees her that on the off chance that she makes good decisions and moves beyond Bala Hatun, she could get herself the spouse of the incomparable Osman Bey.

Osman’s new banner isn’t invited by all. Bamsi Bey, Dundar Bey, Savci and Gunduz didn’t know anything about this banner and are disturbed to see the blue Kai banner brought down. Osman makes sense of that each clan has their own banner and he needs to join them generally under one Islamic banner as war starts and another State is made.

After his clarification no one can question the insight of the new banner. Osman’s fantasy of another State will turn into a reality and with the assistance of God it will be made. Boran and the Alps get entrance into Inegol Castle dressed as performers. Bayhoca utilizes a similar pretense and follows them into the Castle. He shocks them yet puts them in a perilous situation as now they need to guard him as he is the child of Savci Bey.

Osman’s Alps have an arrangement to kill every one of the Tekfurs yet when they go into their rooms they find they have fallen into a snare and troopers are sitting tight for them. They are caught and taken to the prisons and tormented.

Tragically Osman had trusted Boran and his Alps would have followed through with the job that he set for them effectively however rather he is brought the news that they have been gotten. Osman has help from the challenged worker in the palace and his little girl to enter Inegol Castle. He is displayed into the prisons where he will attempt to save his men.

As Osman approaches the cells he can here his men being beaten by the gatekeepers. He goes after the watchmen and sets is sans men. He questions Boran regarding how the Tekfurs realize that they were coming for them. Boran can’t address his inquiry yet he tells Osman that Bayhoca had followed them into the palace.

Osman is currently gone up against with the news that his nephew has been caught too. Assuming he pursues Bayhoca it might prompt every one of them being found. Safeguarding Bayhoca won’t be as simple for Osman as the gig of saving his Alps. Osman knows that when Aya Nickola figures out that Bayhoca is Osman’s nephew he will utilize him to get to Osman.

Bayhoca asks Aya Nickola to kill him yet Aya Nickola lets him know that he has gotten himself a hotshot and he will keep him to bring his Uncle Osman into his net.

Osman tells Boran and his Alps that Bayhoca probably been caught by Aya Nickola and made to talk and for that reason they strolled into a snare. Osman accepts Bayhoca probably educated Aya Nickola regarding the Alps endeavor to kill the Tekfurs. What they cannot deny is that Bayhoca would prefer to kick the bucket than double-cross his Uncle Osman.

Osman drives his Alps out of Inegol Castle and to somewhere safe, abandoning Bayhoca in the possession of Aya Nickola. He lets his Alps know that he should return for him. At the Kai wanderer Lena and Savci realize their child pursued Osman’s Alps. The supplicate that he will get back securely.

Osman brings them terrible news when he tells Lena and his sibling that Bayhoca is a hostage of Aya Nickola. Osman lets them know that Bayhoca is alive however he realizes that Aya Nickola will involve him as a device to get to Osman.

Lena and Savci are viciously furious that Osman left Bayhoca at the Castle and didn’t endeavor to safeguard him. Lena wishes that Osman was in her child’s place. A message is gotten from Aya Nickola let Osman know that on the off chance that he doesn’t give Kuluchaisar Castle back to him then he will execute Bayhoca.

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