EPISODE 07 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 5

This is Episode number 7 of Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. Whoever that villain was… who has slain… my father and my Alps… I will find and kill him! I ll make his life miserable under the dome of this Sky! Gunduz Alp They are Mongols’ henchmen… and they mean to force their way into my father’s tent. This dagger belongs to your son Gunduz. He is the one who killed my father. Murderers! I II kill you too! If my son is indeed the killer… I will personally bring his head to you, hatun.

The life of your son Giinduz is no longer enough. All ot the Kayis and the entire Sogut will sutter in greatest agony Tawbah Astaghfirullah [O Allah, I turn to You (swt), and seek forgiveness] Abdurrahman! The situation can escalate at any moment. Send word to the tribe posthaste. The sentinels must be on guard. Sogut’s safety must be ensured. We may be attacked at any moment. Bamsi, Artuk Bey and the Alps must be on standby. Whenever he is seen, Gunduz is to be detained on the spot… and he is not to be taken anyplace, but to wait there. Am I clear? As you command, my Bey. They are traitors Ah How could that be possible? These have saved our lives. Don tyou understand, ha?

They have played a game In order to get amongst you. You imbeciles! This traitor, named Mergen is responsible for Bayou Noyan’s death. I’ll kill them’ Hold on there! There was quite enough of your foolishness, as it is! No more of that! Their death would not be useful to us right now. First, we’ll find out who these dogs belong toJ We don’t have anything to say. I know how to make you speak. Don’t worry. Tie them up. Aag A|/| Who do you think you are to draw your swords against us, ha? Allah It’s not good that my fatherjeamedj that Irene and I are in love, Qagri. Forgive me, brother. I had no choice but to tell him. Don’t upset yourself about that. They were bound to learn about it one of these days, anyway. I have to get out of here as soon as possible, Qagri.

Bring me a sword and food to take on the run and get me some clothes to change. In my opinion, it would be better if you give in before Ertugrul Bey gets angry even more. Qagri brother… if you changed your mind because you are scared tell me, so I know. Listen to me, I thought about everything well. I will get myself out of this predicament. And I will clear both, my father’s and my name, as well. There is no other way. Now tell me… are you going to help me … or not? I will, broth r. Take the Alp’s oath, Qagri. I take the Alp’s oath. I am ready to die, but I will never desert you in difficult straits. Eyvallah (thank you).

Ah’ Ooh’ How so lovely. Whoever is willing to deprive his mother of her son, or to.. make his hatun a widow or his child an orphan, he may come at me. Hayt! Ya Allah Yah Yah Hey, look at these scoundrels, look at them! Trying to sneakily our ambush Bey on our own lands, didn’t you, ha! Withdraw the Alps, Bamsi Aag A|/| Withdraw them I said, Bamsi Alps! Withdraw And take this wounded Alp with you. Have Artuk Bey attend to him. Your sorrow is my sorrow. Your revenge is my revenge. Until the killer is found, all of you will be patient. Your son, Gunduz is the killer As long as you do not hand him to us, our pain will not subside. If my son is indeed responsible for Umur Bey’s death, I will not spare him.

I will draw his punishment myself. That duty is not yours, do you understand? Now… from this day forth.. whoever acts violently and… whoever doesn’t keep their sword in its sheath and attack even one of Kayi Alps… his punishment will be death. Let this be known Ya Allah” Translated by Melisa Watch More Turkish Shows with us on WLEXT NET My gallant father. My courageous father. If I don’t take your revenge… may the ground I walk on become my grave, may the bed I sleep in be my shroud. May your unsullied tent be my coffin, my father. They will not confess the truth unless we skin them alive. The path to make them confess is clear, llbilge Hatun. Send a messenger to my older brother Beybolat without delay. Inform him about all that happened.

Let him know that.. Ertugrul Bey s son, Gunduz, has slain our father. Let him and our Alps gird themselves with their swords and come to Sogut. Notify our tribe to stop relocation and wait to hear from me. Now… the time is for taking revenge. The time to fight! Where did you get so much gold to be able to suck people’s blood? This issue stretches all the way… to your tribe and to your tent. Speak up, I said. Speak up, so I know who it is. He is. your son Gunduz Alp Gunduz Alp What have you done? This was your doing. What are you talking about, hatun? You have assaulted my Alps and killed them all I will take revenge on those who… put me in this situation, father. I will prove that I am a son worthy of you. We have sent the Alps to find Gunduz, my Bey. And we have increased security measures at Sogut’s gateways. Also, all employees will be retained in the Han until. the investigation is completed, as per your order, my Bey. We don’t need to put measures only against another disaster. The enemy’s eyes and ears are everywhere, as it is.

Therefore, you must be on the alert and keep your wits about you. Beware even if a gust of wind sweeps in, so that… it does not carry even our whisper to the enemy. I won’t give you another warning, Alps. As you command, my Bey. The dagger belongs to Gunduz. But if w can find him and bring him back, we’ll clarify this issue in no time at all, my Bey. To find Gunduz would not be enough. We have to find the hand that placed this dagger in here. If we find Gunduz, this issue may be solved for today However… if we don’t find the hand that brought this dagger in… it will cause us even more disasters. As you ordered, I wrote a letter and sent it urgently to Beybolat Bey. He will come here like a raging wind… leaving nothing but wreckage in his wake. In shaa Allah, they will arrive here before our mourning is over. We will retaliate against the killers in kind, an eye for an eye. Com in What’s the matter, bell-ringer? You haven’t eaten even a bite because your sorrow.

Dirilis5 EPISODE 07

I brought you some dinner, my Mistress. What dinner, bell-ringer9 Our stomachs are filled to the brim with sorrow. You are strong one, my Mistress. Don’t let yourself go to pieces. I’m sure your father would want to see you strong. Now all his responsibilities rest on your shoulders. The only responsibility is taking his revenge. And I will do everything in my power to get his revenge. Ah, how did they manage to get in here and kill a Bey like him? Come on, Bellringer, leave it be. All right my By II ight. How could they have slain such great Bey like him? How could they? What kind of devils are they? What kind of devils are they? Whom do you suspect, my Bey? Dragos. This kind of situation would be of most benefit to him, Bamsi. I am convinced that he is the one behind this. We have reached the Gordian knot. [a legend of Phrygian Gordium] If we can find a loophole to loosen Gordian Knot, we’ll get to the end of the rope. There is still no news from Turgut too, my Bey. Password for this Episode is ChagriGunduz. I wonder, if he managed to take the key from those Mongol dogs?

Turgut is aware how important this key is to us. He will do everything necessary to… fulfill the orders we have given him, then he will safely return. EvelAllah (with Allah’s help), my Bey. Meanwhile… our imperative is… to do whatever it takes to shed the light on this matter. Well, what are we going to do with Umuroglu s Alps, my Bey? They are mourning, Abdurrahman. They are filled with anger. But they’ve seen what would happen to them, if they do any stupidity. As long as they don’t cross their limits… we will try to pacify them and we will console them. We shall be patient. Otherwise, if we allow the fire to flare up between us… we would hand the schemers a victory on a silver platter. Well, what about llbilge Hatun, my Bey? The smoke of her anger reaches the sky. There is time for everything, Bamsi.

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