Dirilis Ertugrul EPISODE 32 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing

Hello Viewers! This is Episode No 32 of Dirilis Ertugrul Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing. Please forgive me. With your permission.My dear Esma.Poor girl.My Bey? I found an caravansary on the way.-Is it far away?-Not very far, my Bey.We will spend the night at the caravansary.I will think it thorough.You are very tired, my Bey.You know better but you should rest a bit.Come on.I am guessing that the little prince will be more collaborative than his father.A glance into someone’s eyes is enough for me to understand their essence……and I’m never mistaken, dear Petruccio.It is great that he found a friend inside the castle.The more people he likes from us, the easier our job will be.The chests can stay here, Marcus.Make sure that everything is ready before the monks arrive.They will be more trustful when they see the gold.-We wouldn’t want to be embarrassed.-As you wish, sir!How are you, my beautiful niece?I am fine, uncle.I am hanging out with the most handsome man in the castle, how could I not be?

How are you, your highness prince?I am not a prince.I am a Seljuk Shahzada.You are right, my Shahzada.But we can have some mispronunciations like that here.Please accept my apologies.Isadora.You were a cute little girl the last time I saw you.But now……you have turned into a very beautiful young lady.It’s an eye-brightening sea change.Unfortunately I could not remember you, your highness Cardinal.So, you have seen my before.Beautiful Isadora.The last time I saw you, you were holding the hand of my dear friend Giovanni.I will get rid of Sahabeddin.Then Ertugrul can be yours, Titus.Wasn’t that so?Nasir?I don’t have time for this, come to the point.-Is there a new order from Ustad?-Yes.Ustad wants us to start the main attack.When you run after the big glory……the things you left unfinished will get in your way.If you are talking about Sahabeddin and Ertugrul……they cannot even peek out from the hole they are in.Do you think that Ertugrul won’t hunt down the fake witnesses……that you made speak up in the court one by one?My men are in all the streets of Aleppo.We will catch Ertugrul even if he shows us only his shadow.

El Aziz is in our pockets at the moment.Even if all those witnesses came together……his highness the Ameer would still believe us.After all, I am his only savior.And Aftalia is his dear Esma.Nasir, Nasir, Nasir.The way you speak reminds me of Kara Toygar.I hope that you won’t end up like him.God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest I bear witness that there is no god except the One God Fie! Fie! Fie! King’s justice!We want King’s justice!Don’t do that. It’s a shame.We want King’s justice. Don’t do that.We want King’s justice.Fie! Fie! Fie!Fie! Fie! Fie!Don’t do that!Fie! Fie! Fie!This is a place where the invocation of God rises.The dervishes think that you don’t show the utmost respectable behaviur to this place.What do the dervishes think about a traitor who collaborates with infidels?His highness the Ameer believes that the traitors are hiding in here.Don’t stay in the way while searching for them……in that way we won’t use force.Let them in.If you’re sincere, you are more than welcome……but if you are malevolent, turn back and leave.-My Pir…-Tell me the grandson of my Pir.Commander Nasir came.Some people saved your dear son Sahabeddin.And our son El Aziz believed what he had been whispered in his ears……and sent Nasir here.-Is that so?

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