Dirilis Ertugrul EPISODE 42 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing

Hello Viewers! This is Episode No 42 of Dirilis Ertugrul Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing. As I said, my Bey……some people saw Hamza. They must have seen him while Akcakoca was going in……and getting out of the tent.This is not one, not two, Kurdoglu.When they ambushed the tribe, someone showed them the way.The same person informed Kara Toygar about the trap we set at the place of exchange.If Ertugrul did not change the plan……we would have been killed at those rocks.If there is such a traitor, my Bey, I would skin him alive in the middle of the tribe.Do you have any other orders for me, my Bey?We will gather the Beys at the headquarters and talk about the trial.My wish is to send Kara Toygar to the Sultan to be judged.Support me in the headquarters. Help me.We need to calm down the public.This is the wisest decision, my Bey.Do not worry.Hayme……my valiant wife.We have been through hard times.Do not overthink these things. Kurdoglu did what he had to do. Do not dwell on it.You know best, my Bey.What are you doing in my tent?There is a ring of fire all around us, what would people think?Do not speak in vain, Kurdoglu.We are partners of crime now.We will either rise together or we will sink together.

Moreover, when you hear the thing I came here to tell you……you will be thanking me.Do you know who those migrating birds that took refuge in our tribe really are?Yes, Kurdoglu Bey. I shall inform Gundogdu Bey that you will visit him.He will be glad.What happened, Ertugrul? Why did you fall on my tent like a lightning?Do you know where Baybora is?How should I know, Ertugrul?But if you need him, I can send someone.Do not bother yourself. I will find him.Sister…-Sister.-What?Ertugrul and Halime were together under a tree all alone.It is obvious that Ertugrul Bey is determined to go with them.I saw them with my own eyes.-He gave that girl a horse as a present.-Enough!I have to take matters in my own hands once again.You can sit and cry, Gokce.Ertugrul has connected the dots.Finish off Baybora.We have to break the chain before it gets tangled around our throats.Do I have permission, father?Come in, my girl, come.How are you, father? Do you need anything?Thank you, my dear. How are you?How is Gundogdu?He is sad, father. I am afraid that he may not recover from this.

He is in great pain but the worst one is the Alps who got killed.He came up with the idea of going to Aleppo. He found a new home……but he did not even have the chance to be happy when he heard the news.When Ertugrul said that he will return to Aleppo, he got even more depressed.If Gundogdu can go to Aleppo, he might recover somewhat.I do not know what to do.I’m just waiting.Gundogdu on one side and Gokce on the other.When she learned that Ertugrul and Halime will go to Aleppo, she got depressed.You know how sensitive she is.She worries that a shadow might cast over her happiness with Ertugrul.Look, son……the thing you are forging is a bar of iron, not Kara Toygar’s head.It is as if you have a problem but you do not talk about it.What use would talking do?What use would keeping quiet do?Look now……there is one problem which is beyond all other problems.It is beyond migrating or fighting in a battle.My Bey……there is someone who wants to see you.-Who?It is such a big problem that many Beys, many valiant Alps cannot handle it.I have such a problem Deli Demir that I cannot speak of it.I do not know the words that can describe this problem.The tongue is only a messenger of the heart, son.

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