Dirilis Ertugrul EPISODE 72 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing

Hello Viewers! This is Episode No 72 of Dirilis Ertugrul Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing. You arrived at the last point that you are able to go……with your few tents and little herds.There is no way to run away from Genghis Khan’s army!It is over. Do you understand me, Turk?It is over.These lands are the regions that raise brave men.We die with pleasure.However, we do not give up on even an inch of our land.We will make you bleed in Anatolia, bleed!Then, you will understand the might of the Mongols!Get ready, you lazy men!We are leaving!Aktolga!Ertugrul!Ertugrul!God, please give me strength.What is happening, Kaya?Aytolun Hatun asked us to move these.Open the chests.I do not repeat an order in this nomad group, do you not understand that?Open it!Take them back inside. Now.I am glad that you let me move your deceased wife’s belongings.You should know that I respect her deeply.However, I am the Hanim of this marquee now.If I am not accepted in this marquee, how can I make people listen to me?

The woman who gave me life once again.You are the Sultan of both my marquee and my heart.What is this impertinence of yours, Tugtekin?Impertinence is erasing my mother’s memory from this marquee, Bey.On what terms, are you able to advise me? Know your place!Father……as long as I breathe, those cannot be removed from this marquee.Then, you should know this, even the one who goes against my will is my child……I will stop them from breathing!Bey. Let me.If our son Tugtekin wishes his mother’s memory to linger in this marquee……we should respect his wish.We should respect him so our son Tugtekin……would respect his Mother Aytolun as well.Is there any news from your Aunt Hayme’s nomad group?They will arrive soon.

Tugtekin cannot accept me yet, Bey.It is not easy.However, do not worry.He will accept me as a mother.I will do everything I can.Please, do not suffer for this as well.You have the burden of your people on your shoulders.As long as you stand beside me like this, Hatun……I will never bow to anyone, be sure of that.God is immortal. God is the one.My dear Mother.I wish I had died instead, Mother.Without you, our nomad group……this homeland has become a dungeon for me, Mother.The nomad group once you spread joy all over……is now the homeland of dreadful owls.Death claimed you before you could see me getting married.I could not make you hold your grandchild.That gives me too much pain.But I miss you deeply, Mother.Miss you deeply.Even if my spear shatters hearts, even if my sword makes my enemies kneel……even if I gain many victories and honor……when you do not witness them what good is it, my dear Mother?So, this is the syrup that makes a man a raging bull?

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