EPISODE 08 Malik Shah Great Seljuke

This is EPISODE 08 of Great Seljuk with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.

In Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8, Yorgos loses Sanjar a bluff, after that he lays out a snare for the fighters of Seljuk. Tapar finds out about that snare and understands that he is following the right path. Ruler Melik Shah understands that Elcin is turning into a backstabber and cautions her. Elcin statements of regret however Melik Shah arranges her to go. Dai gets irate with Behram for his misfortune and blinds his one eye.

Due to the progress of Yorgos, Andreas celebrates in the palace. Terken Melik Shah examines Elcin. Nizam gets a message, and he goes to a mystery place in the royal residence. Khayyam and Basulu are sitting tight for the presence of Nizam in the room. Basulu says that she needs her child if not she will uncover the mystery. Hassan meets Behram in the backwoods and tells the that Dai is liable for his generally abhorrent deeds. Emir IIteber attempts to track down the home of Fatimid, yet somebody limits him.

IIteber says he is looking for relics, and a conflict begins between the two gatherings. IIteber requests the renegades he gets and says he will consume the book house. Ghazali goes to IIteber and gets some information about the consuming of books. Tapar tracks down the impressions and follows the area. Dervishes and Hamadani check out at Sanjar in poor shape and take him to a mystery place for treatment. King Melik meets Tapar and they move towards the caverns.

Sanjar has a fantasy and he makes a guarantee to follow the Islamic way in his fantasy. Ruler Melik Shah goes into the cavern to get some information about the state of Sanjar. Melik Shaha orders to take Sanjar to the Kinik plain for treatment. Seljuk and Tapar take Sanjar to the plain. Basulu turns out to be extremely miserable when she sees her child. Melik Shah goes to the city and stops the mob right away. Nizam says who is a deceiver, will be gotten. Andreas and Qasim make an arrangement to end Melik. Turna goes to the plain to help Sanjar. Tapar goes to Sanjar and lets Vasulu know that he is the child of Melik Shah. Basulu Hatun discovers that Tapar is her child and embraces him energetically.

The new eighth episode trailer of Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu has delivered!. What occur in the episode on November sixteenth?

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu was communicated on TRT1 screens with the seventh episode. In the last episode; Sencer, who Yorgos seriously harmed and tossed down a precipice to vindicate his sibling’s retaliate for, was hit hard. Melikshah Sultan fight back against Sencer and views as right. Will Sencer be live?

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu was communicated on TRT1 screens on Monday night with the seventh episode; Melikshah’s discipline for rebel heads is cut with a blade’ stepped on the last episode of the series. In the wake of battling Yorgos, Sencer tumbles off a precipice and paws at death, likes to kick the bucket so as not to get injured and stoop. At the point when Sencer, who Melikshah finds and carries with him, recovers his detects, he nunesses his dad. Melikshah, then again, enraged by the disloyalty of The Ambassador, will put any individual who double-crosses him to the sword. Here is eighth episode trailer and episode rundown of Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu.

In the cast; Gürkan Uygun , Buğra Gülsoy, Ekin Koç, Iker Kızmaz, Khadija Şendil, Leyla Lydia Tuğutlu, Cemal Toktas, Sevda Erginci, Murat Garipağaoğlu, Mehmet Özgür, Ali Gözüşirin, Çiğdem Selişık Onat, Erdem Akakçe, Nik Xhelilaj and Osman Sonant, for example, effective and capable names, for example, Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu will be communicated on TRT1 consistently at 08 P.M.

What occur in the last episode?

Sencer, who uncovered the grimy essence of the West, caught the relics of the Westerners and figured out how to catch Behram on his guarantee to Melikshah. In any case, an unforeseen episode occurred, falling into yorgos’ snare. In vengeance for his sibling, Yorgos seriously harmed Sencer and lost him the precipice where they were found. Could sencer, pawed by death, be found, which the Seljuk officers and the Kınık Obası alps are searching for from each of the four arms?

Elçin, then again, moved to save his sibling, came to Terken’s down, where he wanted to track down his sibling, and was frustrated to see that Melikshah was hanging tight for him. What discipline will Melikshah, furious at the disloyalty of the Messenger, rebuff the Messenger?

What sort of shock anticipates Terken, who uncovers his unique expectations and anticipates the enthusiasm for Melikshah? In the mean time, the sign abandoned by Hasan Sabbah, who torched Hayyam’s home to see whether Ghazli was residing, was in nizamülmülk’s grasp. Can Nizamülmülk follow the lead and break hasan Sabbah’s selling out? Additionally, will Nizamülmülk uncover to Melikshah the mysterious that Sencer fixed in his heart when he got the insight about his misfortune?

Sencer, who was truly harmed by Yorgos, was brought to the Kınık Obası under Tapar’s escort. At the point when Basulu understood that the individual who carried Sencer to obaya was his child Tapar, who he had yearned for a really long time, he was unable to stand it and embraced Tapar. Will Basulu get a feeling of parenthood and concede that Tapar is his own child?

Battling to fix Sencer, Crane made a special effort to gather therapeutic spices so he could make medication, where yorgos showed up and took Crane out. How might he save Crane from the filthy hands of Yorgos?

Notwithstanding this, Seferiye is exploring the way in which Terken deceived Elçin. Thus, he kept Firdevs, who had every one of the privileged insights of Terken. Will The Expedition advance every one of the insider facts of Terken from Firdevs? Can he persuade her to affirm against Terken? Stressed over the disclosure of the games he has set up, might Terken at any point forestall Seferiye?

Hasan Sabbah, who drew out the individuals who infuried individuals in Isfahan and made them rebuffed, had turned into the focal point of questions. Will Hasan Sabbah, who is nearly being gotten, have the option to avoid the questions coordinated at him by Melikshah? Then again, Melikshah will discover that the relics have passed to Byzan, what sort of way will he follow to save the relics?

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu will be at TRT 1 on Monday, November 16, 2020 with the eighth new episode. Peruse Also All Episode of Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu


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