EPISODE 14 Malik Shah Great Seljuke

This is EPISODE 14 of Great Seljuk with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.

In Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 14, Elcin takes Turna to the room of Seferiye and says her to do an analysis. Turna reveals about the poisoned and goes to examine the oil in the candle. Melik Shah announces a curfew to safe harm to the public.

Arslantas wakes up and sees his mother in front of him. The mother blames Nizam for everything and says Fatmids helps her. Dai comes and speaks to Arslantas. Sanjar writes a letter to the caliph to catch the new Dai.

Nizam catches the men of the caliph in the jungle and makes a plan to catch the new Dai also. Hassan goes to the jungle on the message of caliph when he is near to order for the explosion.

In Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 14, Nizam orders to attack Dai, who is wearing an iron mask. Nizam uncovers the face of Dai and he sees Arslantas. Arslantas pulls his knife and stabs him for what he did to his family.

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu EPISODE 14 Part-01 with Urdu Subtitles

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu last thirteenth episode met the crowd on TRT 1 screens on Monday night. What occurred on the cherished show caused energy. The new episode trailer about the Seljuk period and Sultan Melikshah is in our information.

Arslantaş’s life is in peril in the new episode distributed in TRT 1. Since it’s encircled by Westerners. What befell Nizamülmülk started to make him question his destiny. Here is fourteenth episode trailer and episode synopsis of Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu ….

A legendary excursion worked with adoration, mystery and battle… Melikshah took the privileged position after the passing of Sultan Alparslan, the Seljuk ruler who opened the entryways of Anatolia to the Turks. Around the same time, she got the news that she had lost her adored Kipchak lady Basulu while during labor. Because of the Kipchak-Seljuk antagonism, the infant represents a threat to the coherence of the state. Albeit this present circumstance is undeniably challenging for Melikshah, he conveys it to Nizamülmülk to at absolutely no point ever see or ask in the future. Ruler Melikshah builds the force of the Seljuk State he got from Sultan Alparslan to the levels. Yet, as seljuks develop, their foes duplicate both inside and outside the state.

Raised with the witticism that his fate was composed with the state from birth and that his only reason would serve the state until he kicked the bucket, Sencer turned into a hopeful legend with long periods of schooling, and these heroics made him the bouncer of Sultan Melikshah. Quite possibly of Nizamülmülk’s most believed man, Sencer is prepared to take on every one of the troublesome undertakings for his state. While Melikshah and Sencer are battling with a wide range of risks, their greatest allies will be justified legislators like Nizamülmülk, researchers like Gazalî, researchers like Omar Khayyam, and individuals with intelligence like Yusuf Hamedani. Then again, Terken, the honorable aristocrat from the Karahan administration, needs to overwhelm the state with the force of being melikshah’s mom.

Notwithstanding, despite his desires, melikshah’s mom Seferiye, who is the central calligrapher of the state, Gevher, who is the little girl of Tapar, child of Melikshah, and your respectable Turkmen little girl Elçin, who will change the offset with her landing in the royal residence. Hasan Sabbah, committed to annihilate the Seljuks, is the perilous interests laid out by Terken, who needs to overwhelm the state, and the blustery love that Sencer, who is in everything, will insight with Turna…

What occur in the last episode?

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu EPISODE 14 Part-02 with Urdu Subtitles

Arslantaş, who was established by Sabbah’s association, gave Nizamülmülk a deadly injury and was encircled by the Batuni. Then again, there was an immense blast in Şelemzar. Numerous basic areas will experience imparable harm, including the distribution center containing the prepares melikshah holds in Şelemzar.


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