EPISODE 29 Malik Shah Great Seljuke

This is EPISODE 29 of Great Seljuk with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.

The new 29th episode trailer of Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu has been delivered! In the end episode; Tensions are ascending among Melikshah and Nizâmülmülk! What occur in the episode on April nineteenth?

One of TRT1’s most darling creations featuring Ekin Koç, Buğra Gülsoy, Hatice Şendil and Mehmet Ozgur. In the last 28th new episode of Uyanış: Büyük Selçuklu series, there is an extraordinary strain among Melikshah and Nizâmülmülk. The cherished series of screens that stands apart with serious areas of strength for its and storyline, will lock the watcher to the screen. So what will be the destiny of Nizâmülmülk?

In the last episode; While Melikshah and Sencer are battling with a wide range of risks, their greatest allies will be praiseworthy legislators, for example, Nizamülmülk, researchers, for example, Ghazali, researchers like Omer Hayyam, and savvy individuals like Yusuf Hamedani. Then again, Terken, the aristocrat from the Karahan tradition, needs to overwhelm the state with the force of being Melikshah’s woman. Nonetheless, despite his desires, Seferiye, the mother of Melikshah, the Mother of the State, Gevher, who was the Daughter of Melikshah’s child Tapar, and the respectable Turkmen young lady who will change the offset with her landing in the royal residence will be your Ambassador.

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu EPISODE 29 Part-01 with Urdu Subtitles

Hasan Sabbah, who is committed to obliterate the Seljuks, the risky interests of Terken who needs to rule the state and the turbulent love that Sencer will have with Turna, who is participated in a steady battle in every one of them…

In the new episode, which locks the watcher to the screen with its assorted storyline and solid cast, Melikşah is considered responsible to Nizâmülmülk, who caused extraordinary experiencing about the past. The fervor isn’t absent briefly, Here is 29th episode trailer and episode rundown of Uyanış: Büyük Selçuklu ..

What occur in the end episode?

Because of the snare set by Melikşah, Sabbah was from both Hilati and Basulu. Since Melikshah figured out how to persuade Basulu to be seized from Shelemzar. Sencer, Nizamülmülk, Tapar and Melikshah had gotten back to the castle. Basulu preceded Melikshah. Without precedent for some years, Basulu and Melikshah saw each other’s countenances and the mystery was uncovered! What sort of judgment will Nizamülmülk, who arranged this mysterious quite a while back and caused Melikshah to rise to the lofty position, face for deceiving the ruler?

Will Melikshah excuse Sencer, who ascends to him regardless stows away from him, and Basulu, who proceeds to stow away and endures melikshah realizing that he is dead? Then again, the kickoff of the mystery will spread rapidly to the whole Seljuk tradition. How might the individuals from the Seljuk tradition accept the presence of Basulu as a mysterious beneficiary of the high position? Will Terken’s unfriendly mentality towards Basulu, who gained the mystery from Melikşah previously and needed to forestall Basulu’s salvage and neglected to succeed, transform right into it?

Sencer and Tapar masked and figured out how to enter the Shelemzar. He figured out how to proceed with the activity inside the walls and open the entryway of Shelemzar to Melikshah’s military. However, apparently, neither Melikshah nor his military preceded them! Sencer, Tapar and the Alps acknowledged at the time that they had been hauled into a lethal junder and encompassed by Western bouncers. How would you think Sencer, Tapar and the Alps will escape this passing stalemate?

The mystery has been opened; This mystery was available to the Seljuk line! Turanshah then, at that point, came to Isfahan looking for retribution. Since his dad credited Kavurd’s demise to this mystery and thought Nizamülmülk was the principal culprit in his dad’s passing. Along these lines, Turanshah obstructed Melikshah, who moved rapidly to Shelemzar for Sencer and Tapar’s activity to succeed! Turanshah got Nizamülmülk front of Melikshah and taken steps to kill Nizamülmülk. Can Turanshah kill Nizamülmülk? Will Turanshah, who transparently challenges Melikshah, have the option to get away from the fury of Melikshah?

Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu EPISODE 30 Part-01 with Urdu Subtitles

Turanshah, then again, will align with Tekish to adapt to Melikshah. What will turanshah and Tekish’s coalition ensnale? In spite of this terrible way of behaving, can Melikshah take Shelemzar from Hasan Sabbah? Will Terken, who accepts that zubeyde was violated after he was not eliminated from the workplace of boss clergyman and who won’t hesitate to communicate this to Melikşah straightforwardly, set up a game against Zubeyde? How might it lead him to act assuming he feels that basulu and Sencer’s contribution in the tradition represents a threat to him?


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