EPISODE 29 Barbaroslar

This is Episode 29 of Barbaroslar: Akdeniz’in Kılıcı means Sword of the Meditarranean with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5. My sword is on your neck finally, Gabriel. It won’t be put into its sheathe again, before it takes your head. You might have taken Modon but… …you won’t be able to take my life. My father’s sward is still with me. I will knock off your sword with your head, Gabriel. My sword will pass the judgment for the outcome of our feud. Draw your father’s sword. My Oruc Aga went after Gabriel for revenge. We won’t return without finding him! If we lose Oruc Reis, it doesn’t matter even if we conquer a thousand Modon. My Aga, they are there. Let’s go! I won’t die, before I turn this world into hell for you and your brothers, Oruc. -We’ve arrived my Aga! -Let’s catch that dog! Leave him to me. \Ne will settle the account both of us.

If you beat me… …they will release you. And this is the last chivalry you will see from me. Make your move. -My Aga! -Reis! I will break your Reis nto pieces before you… …and walk away freely from here. Wait there;, warriors. Even if the wolf is wounded, he is still a wolf. But the king of the forest is always lion. I forgave you once but you became even a worse enemy. You won-t be forgiven again. It was all to take your revenge father. I’ve failed. Forgive me. We take both the enemy’s castle and head, my Aga. May our victory be blessed! EyvAllah, warriors. My Aga. Let’s exhibit his corpse in Modon.

So, it may be a lesson for everyone. So, it may be a lesson for everyone. It doesn’t befit us, Ilyas. After all, he was also a leader of a community. Let’s give him to his people. So, they can bury him properly. The sword we’ve used is the sign that we rule over Mediterranean. But every victory is a start for another struggle. Until our sword takes all the seas under his shadow, we won’t stop, warriors. Come on, you go to the ship. And we’ll go to Kemal Reis with Hizir. ****/»« i fl I Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid. Are you hungry, son? Make sure you give everyone food. Feed everyone.

Hand out clothing anyone needs it. Warm up anyone cold. Do it right away. As you command, Dervish Aga. As you command, Dervish Aga. What are you going to do to us We will do what justice require. Peace be with you. Peace be upon yo Modon Castle is now property of Ottoman Empire. And as you are the Modon’s non-Muslim folks… …are under Ottoman Empire’s rule. After Fatih Sultan Mehmed Khan conquered Bosna… …he released a firman. “The non-Muslim folks who are loyal to the state will be able to… …freely perform their prayers, and their churches will not be touched.” This firman is a mark of Ottoman Empire’s justice.

With the Modon’s conquest, we control East Mediterranean Sea. Your part in it really great. Not just Kelemez… ..I want you to rule over all East Mediterranean. I will make the necessary request to Sultan Bayezid. What do yo When my Aga is here, I can’t talk about positions, We are soldiers of sea, Kemal Reis. Our hearts beat all around the seas. Our ships should always go one step further in the seas. You should appoint state officials. You should appoint state officials. All we need is a ship, and a sword. EyvAllah. Dervish Huseyin Afendi… …if it’s okay for you, too, we would be glad if you stay here and bring prosperity to this place. EyvAllah. EyvAllah.

We should return to Kelemez no.w,. Don Diego will probably cause trouble soon. As you see, bigger fights are waiting for us. May you have a safe journey. EyvAllah. Do you keep your secret in your heart? Yes. One day, in history, everyone will hear… …about his name. He only takes shelter in t-he;words of the Haqq. That levent can even make the winds obey him. Who is he? Hayrettin. Where is Hayrettin? In a cave. A cave dark as a mother’s womb. You will make Mediterranean Sea the home of Turks… …and we will rule over the world. You will accomplish such conquests… …that we will call you “The blessed man of our religion.” Your name will be Hi-zir, and you will be known and Barbanos Hayret-t-in.

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