Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 06 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5

Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 06 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5.This is Episode Number 6 of Payitaht Abdülhamid, Following his promotion, Ruler Abdul Hamid faced the Russian aspirations in the Balkans. The Autocrat, pronouncing himself the boss of all Slavs and the defender of the Eastern Universal Church, supported an uprising in Serbia. The Ottomans effectively put down the uprising in 1876. Understanding that dynamic intercession for the benefit of the Serbs conveyed a gamble of battle with Austria-Hungary, the Dictator moved his concentration to Bulgaria. The reason for intercession was the alleged abuse of Christian Bulgars by the Ottomans, while the goal was the production of a more prominent Bulgaria, under Russian control, expanding south from the Danube the entire way to the Aegean Ocean

The western shores of the Dark Ocean would then be under Russian mastery and the military of the Ruler would approach the Mediterranean. Be that as it may, this plan too required the collaboration of the Austrians. During the Crimean Battle of 1853-1856, Austrian soldiers had involved Romania with the conspiracy of the Russians. For Russian soldiers to arrive at Bulgaria, they would need to cross Romania, presently under Hapsburg mastery.

Expecting that covering Russian and Austrian desires could prompt conflict, Bismarck of Germany proposed a division of the Ottoman Realm, with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia going to the Hapsburgs while Romania and an expanded Bulgaria would go under Russian mastery. The English, expecting that a further extension of Austrian and Russian impact towards the Mediterranean would undermine their own advantages, went against this arrangement and proposed rather a gathering in Istanbul to accommodate the contending desires of the powers.

At the Istanbul Meeting, held in November 1876, England proposed a progression of “changes” which, while conciliating Russia and Austria-Hungary, would keep them out of the Mediterranean. Bulgaria, while ostensibly remaining inside the Ottoman Domain, was to be apportioned into two areas. The legislative leader of every territory would be a Christian, designated with the simultaneousness of the European powers. Aside from tobacco and customs obligation, all incomes would go to the common government. The legal framework would be updated and new adjudicators delegated with the endorsement of the powers.

Separate police powers would be made for Christian and Muslim towns. Ottoman soldiers would be removed from the region and their place taken up by Belgian soldiers. England proposed comparative “changes” for Bosnia-Herzegovina, where Ausstria-Hungary would give oversight to their execution. These proposition, whenever carried out, would have implied virtual freedom for both Bulgaria and Bosnia-Herzegovina and would have legitimized the intercession of the abilities into the issues of these two significant Ottoman territories.

The Bulgarian issue had arisen as a significant one because of a Russian designed rebellion in that territory. The Bulgars caught an enormous number of towns and butchered great many Turks. Incapable to control the uprising, the Ottoman legislative leader of the territory, Nadim Pasha, coordinated neighborhood volunteer armies to safeguard Muslim towns. Slaughters and counter slaughters followed. The Europeans, in every case fast to point fingers when Christians were killed, while shutting their eyes to slaughters of Muslims, hyped the Christian setbacks. In the English parliament, Gladstone, in an energizing discourse, alluded to the Ottomans as “the unspeakable Turks” and requested a coordinated European activity to control the Ottomans. The Despot compromised military activity except if clearing changes were carried out in the territory under Russian watch.To seize the European powers, the Ottoman Porte (the vizierate) pushed for the declaration of a constitution that would eliminate any guise for unfamiliar mediation. In line with Midhat Pasha, Executive of the Board of State, King Abdul Hamid approved the development of a Constitution Commission. Working nonstop, the Commission delivered a constitution, which epitomized sweeping changes and addressed each part of Ottoman organization


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