Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 12 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5

Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 12 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5.This is Episode number 12 of Payitaht Ruler Abdul Hameed. The Shaykh ul Islam, as the central strict functionary of the state, had oversight authority over mosques, madrasas, halfway houses and strict distributions. He deciphered the Shariah and guaranteed that its directs were carried out in the Shariah courts. The shaykh, alongside the stupendous vizier, the khedive of Egypt and the ruler of Bulgaria shaped the most elevated echelon of functionaries at the court of the King.

The modernization programs looked for by Abdul Hamid required adequate assets for their execution. The King was hamstrung by the gigantic collected obligation that he had acquired. In 1876, the unfamiliar obligation alone remained at more than 12 billion kurush. The Russian-Turkish conflict of 1876-1878 and its consequence added another 4 billion kurush to this gigantic weight. Along with neglected interest, the all out unfamiliar obligation remained at 23 billion kurush. Likewise, the inward obligation remained at another four billion kurush. Interest installments alone consumed over 80% of the spending plan.

There was a genuine chance that the Ottomans would capitulate to this obligation trouble similarly as had Egypt and Tunisia. Ruler Abdul Hamid’s main goal was to reevaluate the credits related to truly necessary financial changes. Through discussions, the complete unfamiliar obligation was decreased from 23 billion to 12 billion kurush. The interest installments were brought down to around 20% of the spending plan. Consequently, explicit incomes from tobacco, spirits, silk, salt, report charges and recognitions from Bulgaria, Montenegro, Cyprus and Greece were turned over a Public Obligation Commission comprising of delegates from the primary European powers and Ottoman functionaries.

To make up for the lost incomes, the Ruler left upon a great many monetary changes. He initiated a monetary interaction and laid out a review office. The office heads were urged to manage their spending plans. The King eliminated his own costs from the spending plan and met them through his own assets. The privy satchels of the rulers were diminished. To expand incomes, agribusiness and industrialization were energized.

An agrarian bank was laid out to give low revenue credits to ranchers. Surplus from the bank was utilized to fund schooling, to meet uncommon financial plan necessities like evacuee resettlement and to pay for modernization of the military. Secret key for this Episode is PayiabdUr11. Unfamiliar speculation was energized for building railways, transmit lines and building silk, tobacco and texture handling industrial facilities. The Hijaz railroad, connecting Damascus with Madina, was fabricated completely with homegrown assets and commitments from Muslims around the world, working with the development of travelers from the eastern Mediterranean areas to Mecca and Madina. The net aftereffect of these changes was that the King prevailed with regards to holding obligation installments to around 7% of the financial plan while expanding incomes by practically 40% somewhere in the range of 1878 and 1908, the last year of his rule. A side advantage of industrialization was that the European powers were diverted from looking for political military authority over the Ottomans to monetary contest for shared benefit.

The necessities of the military, and a regular citizen organization expected to control the huge domain, requested a proficient, prepared work force. Ruler Abdul Hamid realize that the Ottomans couldn’t find the West except if the schooling system was changed and extended. Schooling was consequently given the most noteworthy need. The Ruler made sure that the training changes that were started during the tanzeemat were finished during his rule. Since the obligation trouble was overpowering, the Ruler contributed from his own assets to update the norms of training in the Muslim strict schools, extending their schedule to remember guidance for material science and math. The millet schools as well as the teacher schools run by outsiders saw a comparative expansion in participation.


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