Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 19 Season 02 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5

Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 19 Season 02 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5.This is Episode number 19 of Payitaht Ruler Abdul Hameed. Gazi Osman Pasha. You moaned so blustery.. ..that we as a whole inverted here. What would it be a good idea for me to do Mahmud Pasha? It’s detaching my heart. Our kid Celal has even no grave where we can appeal to God for him! His grave is every one of the Ottoman grounds pasha. You’re correct. Be that as it may, envision.. Suffocating to death ought to be so difficult. First you go towards the ocean depths. Then, at that point, you can’t relax. Then, at that point, your mouth gets loaded up with water Tahsin Pasha. The most awful part is fish. The ravenous fish. They nibble the man.. ..piece by piece by piece. Horrendous! Try not to build our distress.. expressing such horrendous things. Right. We as of now feel dismal for our kid Celal. Better believe it. Our kid Celal has consistently.. ..needed to be a saint. I feel lamented for our country not so much for him. Our kid Celal.. ..with his adoration for nation and obligation.. ..crossed numerous oceans and mountains.

He steered numerous foe fronts. He generally pointed his firearm at the foe. In any case, I feel frustrated about him. At the point when he got suffocated and kicked the bucket to no end ..he was unable to fit the bill to be a saint. Don’t you know the narrative of Khalid ibn alWalid? The blade of Islam spending his in the combat zone. He had no focuses in his body not injured by foe. In any case, when he became sick He said “I can hardly sit tight for the passing in my bed like camels.” Like in the front line ..he invited the demise by walking. Is it true that he is a saint? He is obviously. Our Celal.. ..invited the demise by walking.. ..what’s more, regarded our progenitors. Celal is a saint with his thoughts and activities. I trust so. I trust so. If it’s not too much trouble. Celal kicked the bucket with a projectile injury in his heart. Their boat was gone after. This information.. ..has astounded me much my sovereign. Might it be said that we are certain? Osman Pasha. Celal and your child Kemaleddin Pasha.. ..were individual troopers companions and siblings.

The seriousness of my despondency comes from that my sovereign. At the point when it worked out ..Celal had Kemaleddin’s jacket on his back. That coat came to the shore. The officials carried it to me. There was an opening in its chest. Projectile opening. Solidly in the chest. My god. Who did this my sovereign? The defeatist pasha! The defeatist! Celal kicked the bucket battling. The projectile stroke Celal first. It’s last objective is.. ..our country. Our honor. Our future. We ought to find and rebuff the executioners. On the off chance that we can’t manage the cost of that ..we ought to invite the passing by walking. And the weapons my sovereign? What has been going on with the weapons? They took them. In any case, we will find. It’s not possible for anyone to remain against our nation’s power. Be that as it may, pashas..

We really want to find the weapons before they hurt more individuals. Pass on it to me Mahmud Pasha. Simply raise Celals for what’s in store. However long we fill in As long as we serve our country As long as we lift up our country They will go after us. So.. What is the explanation of that assault? Our rail route move my sovereign. You are correct pasha. At the point when we paid the obligations of previous rules ..they started going after. What might be said about the rail route helps? Both high state authorities and individuals.. ..see it as a respectable issue. The railroad help requests and interests are awesome. We have no apprehension about that issue my sovereign. Thank god. You can get out. Tahsin Pasha. Your shift is rarely finished. We keep the expectation of resting.. ..for the day when our god will invite us. My sovereign. Sara Hedaya’s condition is deteriorating. Be that as it may, she doesn’t seem like she will talk.

Everyone challenges it when the Passing isn’t anywhere near. In any case, when the Passing accompanies all its chill ..he looses the mouths and knees of many bold individuals. As you wish my sovereign. Did you welcome Mr.Zaharoff? I did my sovereign. Great. Might it be said that you will kill me? I came here to request leniency. To live will talk or.. will kill me. Hold it. Hold! Who killed.. chest companion Celal? Who went after the boat? I.. I don’t have the foggiest idea. Kill me or talk. Since we shed blood of who has killed our siblings.. ..or on the other hand we bite the dust for the retribution. The rest is torment for us! What was it that you expect from our country? From our sovereign? What was it that you expect from our religion?

Talk or kill me! If it’s not too much trouble. I’m guiltless. I don’t know anything. Pull the trigger. Pull it! Pull the trigger! You shameful executioners! Executioners! You took my sibling. Executioners! You can’t resist the urge to shed blood right? Pull the trigger! Pull it! Pull it! Come on pull it! Appeal to God for.. ..our powerful sovereign. If not for him I would attack pieces! You took my sibling. To live will discuss huge things. Or on the other hand you will bite the dust here.. ..slowly.. a lowlife. Incidentally. Keep this in mid. You can’t destroy us by killing us. Close the entryway. Indeed my pasha. Good tidings. Good tidings. How about we drink major areas of strength for some. Did you track down the pig’s tracks? We monitored. Hiram purchased heaps of pigs from the farm. He did What he merited. The shepherd of the pig run. He took my darling from me. No doubt about it.. ..I will toss his heart to his rush.


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