Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi EPISODE 07 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5

This is Episode No 07 of Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.


The term “assassin” has historical roots in the Middle East, particularly during the medieval period. The word “assassin” is believed to be derived from the Arabic term “hashshashin,” which refers to a group of Nizari Ismailis, a sect of the Ismaili branch of Shia Islam. The Nizaris were led by Hassan-i Sabbah during the 11th century.

  1. Origins and Tactics:The Assassins gained notoriety for their unconventional and secretive tactics. They were known for political assassinations, often targeting high-profile figures. The most famous incident involves the capture of Alamut, a mountain fortress in Iran, by Hassan-i Sabbah, who created a state with a network of castles and trained assassins.
  2. Training and Organization: The Assassins were reputed for their discipline and training. Young recruits underwent rigorous physical and mental training. They were indoctrinated with the belief that they were serving a higher purpose, and their loyalty to their leaders was unwavering.
  3. Notable Assassinations: The Assassins carried out numerous high-profile assassinations, with their victims including political leaders and military commanders. The most well-known target was Conrad of Montferrat, a prominent figure during the Third Crusade.

  • Decline and Legacy: The power and influence of the Assassins declined over time due to various factors, including Mongol invasions and internal conflicts. However, their legacy endured, capturing the imagination of later generations and inspiring various works of literature and art.

Salahuddin Ayubi (Saladin):

Salahuddin Ayubi, commonly known as Saladin, was a medieval Muslim military leader and statesman, best known for his role in the reconquest of Jerusalem from the Crusaders.

  1. Early Life and Rise to Power: Saladin was born in Tikrit, Iraq, in 1137. He rose to prominence as a military commander under the leadership of his uncle, Shirkuh. After the death of his uncle, Saladin assumed command of the Muslim forces in Egypt.
  2. Conquest of Jerusalem: One of the most significant achievements of Saladin’s career was the recapture of Jerusalem in 1187. The Battle of Hattin was a turning point, leading to the fall of Jerusalem. Despite the victory, Saladin showed chivalry and mercy towards the defeated Crusaders.
  3. Challenges and Diplomacy: Saladin faced internal and external challenges, including conflict with rival Muslim leaders and European Crusaders. He engaged in diplomatic efforts and entered into agreements with his adversaries, showcasing his political acumen.
  4. Legacy and Impact: Saladin’s legacy is multifaceted. While he is celebrated in the Muslim world for his military successes and chivalry, he is also admired in Western history for his virtues and principles. His character has been depicted in various literary and artistic works.
  5. Death and Successors: Saladin passed away in 1193, and his empire eventually fragmented after his death. Despite the disintegration of his empire, Saladin’s impact on the region endured, influencing subsequent generations of leaders.


In conclusion, both the Assassins and Salahuddin Ayubi played crucial roles in the medieval history of the Middle East. The Assassins left a lasting legacy with their enigmatic tactics and influence, while Salahuddin Ayubi’s achievements as a military leader and statesman continue to be remembered and studied today.

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