Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi EPISODE 27 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5

This is Episode No 27(2nd Last) of Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.

Salahuddin Ayubi’s Conquest of Gaza and Bait al-Maqdis

Salahuddin Ayubi, known in the West as Saladin, is a towering figure in Islamic and world history. His conquests of Gaza and Bait al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) stand as monumental achievements that have been remembered and celebrated for centuries. These victories were not only military triumphs but also significant milestones in the Islamic world’s struggle to reclaim its holy sites from Crusader control.

Background and Rise to Power

Born in Tikrit in 1137, Salahuddin rose to prominence under the tutelage of his uncle Shirkuh, a general in the service of Nur ad-Din, the Zengid ruler of Syria. Salahuddin’s early military career saw him participate in various campaigns in Egypt, where he eventually became the vizier. Following the death of his uncle and the weakening of the Fatimid Caliphate, Salahuddin consolidated power, ultimately founding the Ayyubid dynasty and becoming Sultan of Egypt and Syria.

The Road to Gaza

The city of Gaza, located strategically on the Mediterranean coast, served as a crucial link between Egypt and the Levant. Control of Gaza was essential for any power seeking to dominate the region. By the time of Salahuddin’s rise, Gaza was under the control of the Crusaders, who had established a series of fortresses and strongholds in the area.

In 1170, Salahuddin launched a campaign to secure his southern flank and to establish a staging ground for further operations in the Levant. His forces advanced into the region, capturing key positions and fortifications. The fall of Gaza was relatively swift, as Salahuddin’s forces overwhelmed the Crusader garrison. This victory secured the route between Egypt and Syria, allowing Salahuddin to move his armies and resources more freely.

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The Importance of Gaza

Gaza’s capture had significant strategic implications. It allowed Salahuddin to secure his control over Egypt and provided a base for launching further operations into the Crusader-held territories. The city also served as a vital supply and communication hub, facilitating the movement of troops and resources between Egypt and the Levant. Furthermore, the fall of Gaza demonstrated Salahuddin’s growing power and his ability to challenge the Crusader states, boosting the morale of his supporters and allies.

The Quest for Bait al-Maqdis

The ultimate prize in Salahuddin’s campaigns was the holy city of Jerusalem, known in Arabic as Bait al-Maqdis. Jerusalem held immense religious significance for Muslims, being the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, as well as for Christians and Jews. The city had been under Crusader control since 1099, when it was captured during the First Crusade, and its liberation became a primary objective for Salahuddin.

In 1187, following years of preparation and strategic maneuvering, Salahuddin launched a major offensive against the Crusader states. His forces decisively defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin on July 4, 1187, a victory that shattered the main Crusader army and left the path to Jerusalem open. The battle was a turning point, as the capture of the True Cross, a revered Christian relic, dealt a severe blow to Crusader morale.

The Siege of Jerusalem

Following his victory at Hattin, Salahuddin moved swiftly to capitalize on his success. On September 20, 1187, his forces began the siege of Jerusalem. The city’s defenses were formidable, and the Crusader defenders, led by Balian of Ibelin, were determined to resist. However, the outcome was inevitable given the overwhelming strength of Salahuddin’s forces and the weakened state of the Crusader defenders.

Salahuddin’s approach to the siege was characterized by a combination of military pressure and diplomatic negotiation. Understanding the religious significance of the city and the potential for widespread destruction and loss of life, he offered generous terms for surrender. After a brief but intense period of fighting, Balian negotiated a peaceful surrender of the city on October 2, 1187. Salahuddin allowed the Christian inhabitants to leave the city unharmed, provided they paid a ransom, demonstrating his commitment to chivalry and mercy.

The Significance of Jerusalem’s Liberation

The liberation of Jerusalem was a momentous event in the history of the Islamic world. For Muslims, it represented the reclaiming of one of their holiest sites and a major victory over the Crusader invaders. Salahuddin’s conduct during the siege and his treatment of the city’s inhabitants enhanced his reputation as a just and honorable leader, earning him respect even among his Christian adversaries.

The capture of Jerusalem had far-reaching consequences. It galvanized the Muslim world, leading to increased unity and cooperation among various Muslim states. It also provoked a strong reaction in Europe, prompting the call for the Third Crusade, led by notable figures such as Richard the Lionheart, Philip II of France, and Frederick Barbarossa. The ensuing conflict further cemented Salahuddin’s legacy as a key figure in the Crusades.

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Salahuddin’s Legacy

Salahuddin Ayubi’s conquests of Gaza and Jerusalem are often celebrated as the pinnacle of his military and political career. His ability to unite diverse Muslim factions under a common cause and his strategic acumen in defeating the Crusaders are hallmarks of his leadership. His legacy is also marked by his chivalry, mercy, and respect for his adversaries, qualities that have earned him admiration across different cultures and historical periods.

The impact of Salahuddin’s victories extended beyond his lifetime. The recapture of Jerusalem remained a symbol of Muslim unity and resistance against foreign invaders. His establishment of the Ayyubid dynasty provided a stable political structure that continued to influence the region long after his death in 1193. Salahuddin’s contributions to the military, political, and cultural landscapes of the medieval Islamic world have ensured his enduring legacy as one of history’s great leaders.


The conquests of Gaza and Jerusalem by Salahuddin Ayubi were defining moments in the history of the Crusades and the Islamic world. These victories not only showcased Salahuddin’s military genius and strategic vision but also highlighted his qualities as a compassionate and honorable leader. The fall of Gaza secured the vital link between Egypt and the Levant, while the liberation of Jerusalem reclaimed a holy site of immense significance for Muslims. Together, these conquests solidified Salahuddin’s place as a legendary figure in both Islamic and world history, leaving a legacy that continues to inspire and resonate to this day.

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