Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi EPISODE 28 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5

This is Episode No 28(Last) of Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.

After the conquest of Gaza, Salahuddin Ayubi (Saladin) continued to solidify his reputation as one of the most formidable and revered leaders of the medieval Islamic world. His campaigns following the Gaza conquest were marked by strategic brilliance, unwavering determination, and a profound sense of duty to the Islamic cause. This period of his life was characterized by further military conquests, administrative reforms, and efforts to unite the Muslim world against the Crusader states.

Consolidation and Expansion

Following the victory at Gaza, Salahuddin turned his attention to other key Crusader strongholds in the Levant. The fall of Gaza had already significantly weakened the Crusader states, but Salahuddin knew that to secure lasting control, he needed to capture more strategic locations.

One of his primary targets was Ascalon, a fortress city crucial for controlling the southern coast of the Levant. Ascalon’s capture would provide a direct route for Salahuddin’s forces to move between Egypt and Palestine, further isolating the Crusader states. In 1187, after a siege that showcased Salahuddin’s tactical expertise and the determination of his forces, Ascalon fell to the Muslim army. This victory not only bolstered Salahuddin’s strategic position but also demonstrated his ability to execute complex military campaigns successfully.

The Battle of Hattin and the Capture of Jerusalem

The Battle of Hattin, fought on July 4, 1187, was a pivotal moment in the Crusades and one of Salahuddin’s most significant military achievements. By luring the Crusader forces into a trap near the Horns of Hattin, Salahuddin inflicted a devastating defeat on them. The Crusader army, led by King Guy of Lusignan, was nearly annihilated, with many of its leaders captured or killed. This victory was not just a tactical success but also a strategic masterpiece that paved the way for the recapture of Jerusalem.

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In October 1187, following the victory at Hattin, Salahuddin laid siege to Jerusalem. The city, deeply significant to both Muslims and Christians, had been under Crusader control since 1099. Salahuddin’s approach to the siege was marked by a combination of military pressure and diplomatic negotiation. He offered the city’s defenders honorable terms of surrender, allowing for the safe passage of civilians and reducing unnecessary bloodshed. On October 2, 1187, Jerusalem surrendered to Salahuddin, marking a triumphant moment in his career and a significant turning point in the history of the Crusades.

Administrative Reforms and Governance

Salahuddin’s success on the battlefield was complemented by his effective governance and administrative reforms. After consolidating his control over Jerusalem and other key territories, he focused on establishing a stable and just administration. He was known for his fairness, piety, and dedication to the welfare of his subjects, qualities that endeared him to both Muslims and non-Muslims in his realm.

One of his key administrative reforms was the establishment of a system of iqta, or land grants, to reward his military commanders and ensure their loyalty. This system helped stabilize his rule and provided a reliable means of financing his military campaigns. Salahuddin also invested in the infrastructure of his territories, building and repairing fortifications, roads, and public buildings to enhance the economic and military strength of his empire.

Efforts at Unity and Diplomacy

A crucial aspect of Salahuddin’s leadership was his effort to unify the Muslim world. He understood that internal divisions and rivalries had weakened Muslim resistance to the Crusaders in the past. To this end, he worked tirelessly to bring various Muslim factions under his leadership, using a combination of diplomacy, marriage alliances, and military force.

Salahuddin’s diplomacy extended beyond the Muslim world. He maintained correspondence with European leaders, including King Richard the Lionheart of England, with whom he developed a mutual respect despite their adversarial positions. During the Third Crusade (1189–1192), Salahuddin and Richard engaged in several battles, most notably the Siege of Acre and the Battle of Arsuf. Despite the intense conflict, both leaders demonstrated chivalry and respect for each other, with Salahuddin even sending medical aid to Richard when he fell ill.

The Third Crusade and the Defense of Muslim Territories

The Third Crusade, launched in response to the fall of Jerusalem, saw Salahuddin pitted against some of the most renowned leaders of Christendom, including Richard the Lionheart, King Philip II of France, and Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. The Crusaders aimed to reclaim Jerusalem and reverse Salahuddin’s gains.

Salahuddin’s strategy during the Third Crusade was a combination of defense and tactical engagements. He fortified key cities, such as Acre, and utilized the natural terrain to his advantage. His forces successfully withstood prolonged sieges and inflicted significant casualties on the Crusaders, demonstrating his ability to adapt and respond to the evolving challenges of the conflict.

One of the notable encounters during the Third Crusade was the Battle of Arsuf in 1191, where Richard the Lionheart achieved a tactical victory over Salahuddin’s forces. Despite this setback, Salahuddin managed to maintain control over most of his territories and continued to resist the Crusaders’ advances.

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Legacy and Death

Salahuddin Ayubi’s legacy extends far beyond his military conquests. He is remembered as a paragon of chivalry, justice, and leadership. His ability to unite the Muslim world, his fair treatment of both allies and adversaries, and his dedication to the Islamic cause made him a legendary figure in both Islamic and Western historical narratives.

In addition to his military and political achievements, Salahuddin’s legacy includes his contributions to the cultural and intellectual life of his time. He was a patron of scholars, poets, and scientists, fostering an environment of learning and intellectual exchange in his courts. This cultural flourishing contributed to the broader Islamic Golden Age, a period of significant advancements in science, medicine, literature, and the arts.

Salahuddin’s death on March 4, 1193, marked the end of an era. He passed away in Damascus, having successfully established a dynasty and a legacy that would endure for centuries. His successors, the Ayyubid dynasty, continued to rule over Egypt, Syria, and other parts of the Levant, maintaining the stability and prosperity he had worked so hard to achieve.


The period following the conquest of Gaza was marked by some of Salahuddin Ayubi’s most significant achievements. His military victories, administrative reforms, and efforts at unifying the Muslim world solidified his place as one of the greatest leaders of the medieval period. Salahuddin’s ability to balance warfare with diplomacy, his commitment to justice, and his patronage of culture and learning left an indelible mark on history. His legacy as a unifier, a warrior, and a just ruler continues to be celebrated and studied, reflecting the profound impact he had on the course of history in the Middle East and beyond.

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